KabU - #1 Authority in Authentic Kabbalah

KabU Will Boost Your Spiritual Progress Like Rocket Fuel

A UNIQUE Authentic Kabbalah Environment That You Won’t Find Anywhere Else

KabU has helped over 300,000 people worldwide implement the Authentic Kabbalah method

My name is Gil Shir, the author of the Reveal Kabbalah’s Secrets Guide.

Today, I’m a senior Kabbalah instructor and managing director at KabU.

But 15 years ago, when I decided to focus on studying the Authentic Kabbalah method, I was looking for a package that would give me everything I need to delve into the authentic wisdom of Kabbalah.

Honestly, this is something I wished was available 15 years ago, but it wasn’t…

  • I was confused by multiple teachers and organizations that labeled themselves “Kabbalah,” but which I later discovered had nothing to do with authentic Kabbalah.
  • I couldn’t identify who was and who wasn’t an authentic Kabbalah teacher.
  • I tried to build an authentic Kabbalah study group by myself, but failed because most of my friends weren’t interested in studying Kabbalah.
  • I studied only authentic Kabbalah sources, but I didn’t understand them, because I found no instructors who could explain the real meaning of these texts.
Finally, a few years later I had the good fortune to participate in building KabU—the world’s fastest-growing Kabbalistic global community.
3 Biggest Differences
Kabbalah beginners vs. KabU students

Difference #1:


❌ Beginners waste time on finding an authentic Kabbalah teacher

Beginners know that the wisdom of Kabbalah has been passed down from teacher to student ever since the time of the very first kabbalist almost 6,000 years ago.

That is why they want to study from the last kabbalists in this chain. Unfortunately, they waste a lot of time on searching through and “testing” different teachers, while 99% of them are not authentic Kabbalah teachers.

✅ KabU students study from this generation’s foremost kabbalist

Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman is the founder and president of the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute, KabU’s parent organization.

He is a student of Kabbalist Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (Rabash), the successor and son of Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam).

Difference #2:


❌ Beginners study authentic Kabbalah sources without an instructor

They think that they can apply their efforts in studying authentic Kabbalah texts with no instructor.

This approach is greatly flawed because Kabbalah sources discuss a hidden reality. They thus overwhelm and confuse themselves with knowledge that they cannot attain without the guidance of an instructor.

✅ KabU students study authentic Kabbalah sources from senior Kabbalah instructors

KabU students study smarter. All the KabU courses and materials are based on authentic Kabbalah sources and explained by senior Kabbalah instructors.

These instructors have all studied with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman for over 10-15 years.

Difference #3:

Study Method

❌ Beginners try to build the environment by themselves

Beginners think that they can invite their friends to join them in their Kabbalah studies. They think that they can talk to anybody about Kabbalah.

The problem is that most of these people have no interest in Kabbalah and never will. This frustrating experience ends up with no results, lost motivation, and often even several unpleasant experiences with people.

✅ KabU students join KabU global community

KabU students join a thriving global community of like-minded spiritual seekers. Its effectiveness is proven by years of experience.

So, can you see it?

KabU students DON'T WASTE THEIR TIME on reinventing the wheel. They use KabU—the authentic Kabbalah environment built by kabbalists.

They implement authentic Kabbalah SMARTER, not HARDER!




the Authentic Kabbalah Method

  • VOD courses (value $2000)
  • ​Structured Learning Path (value $397)
  • Weekly Exclusive Online Live Events with senior KabU Instructors (value $297)
  • Student Forums(value $47)
  • 🎁 Fast-Action Bonus: KabU Annual Subscription (value $228)

Total Value: $2,969

$19/mo Monthly Membership - Regular Price

$97 Annual Membership ($8.1/mo) Today!

5 Reasons

To Join KabU NOW:

Reason #1: 5,781 Year-Old Wisdom

What could be more credible than the authentic ancient wisdom, which has been passed down from kabbalist teacher to student ever since the time of the very first kabbalist? KabU courses and materials are based on authentic Kabbalah sources, adapted for our generation. This is content that you can’t find anywhere else.

Reason #2: Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman

Did you know that Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman is this generation’s foremost kabbalist? He is the founder and president of the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute, KabU’s parent organization.

Dr. Laitman is a kabbalist with spiritual attainment. He was the long-time student and personal assistant of Kabbalist Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (Rabash), the student and son of Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam)—the most renowned kabbalist of the 20th century, and the only kabbalist of our times who wrote complete commentaries to both The Zohar and the writings of the Ari, Kabbalist Isaac Luria.

Reason #3: Instructors

I don’t know about you, but I hate being confused when it comes to my spiritual path. Studying authentic Kabbalah sources without the guidance of an instructor is a recipe not just for confusion, but for entirely missing the point.

In KabU, you’re in good hands, as KabU instructors have been studying with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman DAILY for over 10-15 years. Not only do they teach regularly, but they’re readily available to answer your questions.

Reason #4: Over 300,000 students worldwide

KabU is the world’s fastest-growing Kabbalistic global community.
Who can be a KabU student? There are no requirements!
There’s no need for any special talents or abilities.
You can be Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist, anything you want.

REMEMBER: You Only Need a Desire to Unlock All of Kabbalah’s Hidden Secrets.
I can’t guarantee that you have this desire, but if you do, then you definitely don’t need anything else in order to join KabU.

Reason #5: Avoid Beginner (and Even Advanced Student) Mistakes

Don’t make the same mistakes that so many Kabbalah students make, i.e. studying Kabbalah from anyone talking about Kabbalah, and any material that mentions the word “Kabbalah.” This approach will waste 100s of hours of your time, and you’ll end up overwhelmed, confused, and disappointed. Instead, study from KabU—the #1 authority in authentic Kabbalah.

What KabU Students Have

To Say:


Dr. Michael Laitman

“By studying Kabbalah, you begin to truly live. Every day becomes new. You constantly discover new laws, relationships, and a new world inside yourself and around you”


To Implement The Authentic Kabbalah Method



#1: Join an Authentic Kabbalah

Unlocking Kabbalah’s hidden secrets might be a challenge or even impossible if any of these 3 factors are missing:

✅ The teacher—an authentic kabbalist with spiritual attainment
✅ Authentic Kabbalah study materials
✅ A community of like-minded spiritual seekers

1. The teacher – Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman, the founder and president of the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute, KabU’s parent organization.

2. Authentic Kabbalah study materials – KabU’s courses are based on authentic Kabbalah study materials, and in addition, KabU provides a framework for methodical progress through the materials.

3. Community – YES, KabU is the world’s fastest-growing global Kabbalah community.

#2: Learn

Say goodbye to months of studying unnecessary courses and materials. Don’t waste your time.

KabU courses and materials are exclusively based on authentic Kabbalah wisdom dating back almost 6,000 years.

At KabU, you’ll find content that you cannot find anywhere else.

Start your journey and build an internal device (a Kli) that connects you to nature’s hidden forces.





#3: Connect

You already know that unlocking Kabbalah’s BIGGEST secret is not to merely acquire knowledge, but to create an inner device (a Kli), which connects you to nature’s hidden layers. 
By connecting to others who study with you, you can amplify and accelerate the creation of this device.
Studying together with other KabU students, you can attain in a single day what would take you over a year to attain through  studying on your own.

#4: Transformation 🎉

KabU uses a time-tested methodology of spiritual attainment.
If you follow KabU’s recommendations, you’ll be amazed at how KabU will boost your progress like rocket fuel.
Wake up to a spiritual transformation like no other in your first 3 months of study. 
Consider it your first step on a ladder that leads to full spiritual attainment—the discovery of Kabbalah’s authentic secrets, of EVERYTHING hidden in reality.



Here Is EVERYTHING You Need To

Unlock ALL of

Kabbalah's Hidden Secrets

VOD Courses

Full access to KabU’s topic-based courses, including new courses as they come out. 
These courses are especially for you.
If you ask any of these questions…
✅What are the secrets of Kabbalah?
✅What is the structure of the ten Sefirot?
✅What will happen after I die? Do I reincarnate? Is my soul eternal?
✅Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I headed?
✅What is the meaning of life? Why am I here?
If you are curious to…
✅Find out the reasons for everything happening in the world
✅Learn the laws of the universe
✅See the tendencies and spiritual causes of world events
✅Understand the goal that nature is leading humanity to
✅Discover why there is so much suffering in the world
If you want to…
✅Learn how to approach any problem in the new conditions of our time
✅Bring balance to your life
✅Navigate your way successfully in today’s world and society
✅Free yourself from anxiety and uncertainty
✅Start each new day with happiness, confidence, purpose and motivation

Structured Learning Path

Want to take the study of Kabbalah to a more advanced level?
Enter a 4-semester learning path.
The learning path is 20 weeks of guided study that takes you from step one deep into the authentic wisdom of Kabbalah.
The learning path includes 4 courses:
✅Kabbalah Revealed, Part 1
✅Kabbalah Revealed, Part 2
✅Kabbalah in Action
✅Kabbalah Experience

Weekly Exclusive Online Live Events

Join senior KabU instructors live! Ask questions, get them answered, and meet the friendly KabU community in a weekly Zoom session.

Beyond the lessons, we also get together to talk, laugh, and get to know each other, and you can also get to know other like-minded spiritual seekers in these intimate Zoom sessions.

I am one of the instructors in these sessions, and I love getting to know the students who turn up. I’m sure that I’d love to get to know you too!

Student Forums

Did you know that at KabU, we have a “get every question answered within 24 hours” policy? That’s our commitment to you in order to make KabU the place where you can get your deepest questions answered.
There are forums for every KabU course, each moderated by dedicated KabU instructors. You can ask anything you want there, and within the day, you’ll get your answer.
The forums are also great for students to get an impression of what other spiritual seekers are asking and thinking, and to share impressions, which has proven to be very fun and inspiring!

Special Bonus

The KabU monthly subscription regular price is $19/mo ($228 for a year). However, if you decide to join KabU today, then I have a special bonus for you.

Subscribe today and get this FAST-action bonus.

We cannot guarantee that this special discount will be there in the future.

FAST-Action Bonus:

KabU Annual Subscription Discount

The KabU monthly subscription regular price is $19/mo ($228 for a year).

Subscribe today and get this FAST-action bonus.

Get an annual KabU subscription for only $97! This is equivalent to paying only $8.1 per month, and it means that you’ll save $131.

You’ll get the discount right on the checkout page.

Today’s Value: $228 $97/y

P.S. This is the lowest price for a KabU annual subscription. You won’t find a better deal anywhere else. We cannot guarantee this special price in the future.




the Authentic Kabbalah

  • VOD courses (value $2000)
  • ​Structured Learning Path (value $397)
  • Weekly Exclusive Online Live Events with senior KabU Instructors (value $297)
  • Student Forums(value $47)
  • 🎁 Fast-Action Bonus: KabU Annual Subscription (value $228)

Total Value: $2,969

$19/mo Monthly Membership - Regular Price

$97 Annual Membership
($8.1/mo) Today!

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

We at KabU have decided to take all the weight off your shoulders and give you a full 30 days to go through the program.

During this time you can decide if it is worth the price. If not, just send me an email at
[email protected] and I’ll make sure you get a refund right away!

If you have any questions or need further information, please email us at [email protected]
Copyright @ 2021 KabU. All rights reserved.