Reply To: Putting your feelings aside, what did you take from this section of the course?

Inicio Foros Course Forums The World, the Jews and the Science of Human Survival FEELINGS ASIDE Putting your feelings aside, what did you take from this section of the course? Reply To: Putting your feelings aside, what did you take from this section of the course?

Maria Bolgar

I can picture to myself Humanity only as a body of a single race.

Is it possible that the story is about forces playing out not in the physical part of Nature on Earth, but rather in the spiritual realm? About only the result materializing on Earth on the inner and projected levels? That Nature in the spiritual realm decided the separation of the solely bestowing and altruistic driving force (energy?) into two distinct desires to define man: the soul and the ego? Could this be the will of the Creator to prevent entropy and accelerate human development through the interaction between the opposing qualities of egoistic desire to receive for pleasure and the altruistic desire to bestow? Materializing on Earth in a clash between two human forms, Abraham and Nimrod? Each of whom embodying both qualities? Only Nimrod allowed himself to be misled by his ego into believing he himself was God? Hence, breaking his soul’s contact with the true God, Nature? Chasing pleasure as king through many “idols” i.e. corporeal desires at the expense of his people? While Abraham, consciously using his ego to serve him as intellectual power to strengthen and prove his soul’s intact connection with Nature’s spiritual forces and hence Light? Empowering him to remain intact in the fire, to become Israel, to found a country in the same name and become the spiritual father of the Jews?

Could this be the meaning of the story? I’d so much like to hear other thoughts on that.