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- This topic has 45 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated hace 2 días, 23 hours by
Gianni – KabU Instructor.
- July 15, 2021 at 6:06 am EDT #57420
Julian Edwards- KabU InstructorModeratorAsk anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.
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- May 18, 2024 at 12:55 pm EDT #372781
PartícipeHi, please correct me if I’m wrong; we cannot see the creator, dressed in flashes of light or something near to that, but when we start to go up the worlds, climbing the worlds through the Ladder of love, by using all the love we can feel towards others, we start to sense something inside very special, something like a revelation of godness, something which transcend humanness or our normal lives. Ok?
- May 18, 2024 at 2:14 pm EDT #372787
Gianni – KabU Instructor
- May 18, 2024 at 7:28 am EDT #372752
PartícipeHi, nice to meet you. I have a question.
When I see myself in the mirror, I see me or an externality of me, the others?
- May 18, 2024 at 10:07 am EDT #372768
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Johan,
In a regular mirror? You see an image of your biological body. That’s all one knows, he can’t truly know who he is.
- March 7, 2024 at 4:43 am EST #363733
PartícipeI have a question that’s been popping up as I have gone through all of the lessons and all of the readings and other videos. I’m understanding that everything in Kabbalah is not corporeal, but relates to the upper worlds. I am also understanding that everything in this world has it’s spiritual root and the Zohar and other kabbalistic texts use the language of roots and branches so that they clothe the references to the spiritual matters/roots in corporeal words like metaphors. (On a side note, I also love that Hebrew words all have a shoresh/root as well and then their other expressions- nouns, verbs, tenses, etc and these studies bring that new meaning for me too!). Anyway, then I am also understanding that as a Kabbalist or one that at least strives to study Kabbalah would look at their life in the same manner where things that happen to them or extreme circumstances correspond to a spiritual root which can be contemplated from the Kabbalistic texts like the Zohar and an internal correction can be made in oneself, not through corporeal means, but by addressing the root that is removed from corporeal things. Is this correct so far? Or on the right track? Can we see circumstances as indications or reference points/hints given to us by the Creator? And then I have a specific question- Is there a place in RABASH’s writings/articles and also in the Zohar (a section) that talk about the spiritual root of Infidelity in marriage? I have seen it where they talk about the Priest’s daughter, but is there a section that talks about Infidelity of a husband towards his wife? (and I know that this is not corporeal, but referring to spiritual states and not anything in this physical world). I would like to read this if you can let me know these sections. Thank you 🙂
- March 7, 2024 at 4:19 pm EST #363960
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Inbar,
Everything is arranged so that we would not be able to know the Upper World by any signs in our world. We only see the results, without any inkling as to why things are happening. In fact, our reasoning about them is all wrong. There’s a future goal that is sending them to us so we’d end up at that future state, while we would like things to be different because they don’t align with our own wishes. What we need is to align with the Upper Force, to become similar to it. Then we will agree that everything it does is perfection. We’ll truly feel this and be joyful every day that now we’re closer to the goal of Creation.
Likewise, we can’t learn from the Zohar, for example, something about romantic relationships. Because the Zohar toward those relationships is as I might be toward, say, the relationship between two cows in a pasture. It’s only concerned with our relationship to the Upper Force, in which correction is all possible goodness.
Of course, the reason for infidelity is straightforward: egoism.
- March 9, 2024 at 7:44 pm EST #364196
PartícipeThank you so much for your answer. Yes I was looking at it like this- If I see things and experience things in the world outside of me, like infidelity, besides taking care of the issue in a corporeal way and going on with my corporeal life, on a spiritual level, is it correct to see it as an indication of a piece of my own ego being clothed outside of ourselves so that we can correct an egoic aspect within ourselves separate from the outside event and with no expectation of it impacting the outside event what so ever? Just as a lesson for our own personal development?
- March 10, 2024 at 3:07 pm EDT #364248
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorWithout thinking too much about it, I should relate everything as coming from the Creator WHILE treating each one in my life as they deserve according to the regular laws of our reality. It’s not that I forgive people or give to people BECAUSE the Creator does everything. I relate to them as if there’s no Kabbalah WHILE internally I accept that everything comes from the Upper Force and that He is Good and Does Good.
- February 4, 2024 at 11:25 pm EST #360001
Sean Sotak
PartícipeHi Gianni,
I really enjoy your videos and your energy or vibration. Not sure how to explain, just feel like your familiar to me some how. Julian as well. I have so many questions having listened to Laitman for about 2 years now and his books. He mentions that only certain Chosen have been given permission or writing about the Wisdom of Kabbalah.
Has that changed or does it depend on how we spread the information?I am so convinced that I have finally found the truth that I tell probably too many people. Not to mention that my wife thinks I am in a Cult. I already know one day she will change her view of the Catholic Church and how very wrong they are or how they promote so many incorrect or confusing beliefs that do not seem right or complete even to the most devoted. I have found all the answers in the Wisdom of Kabbalah and belive that I have been so blessed to be chosen to help others find them as well. How can I fill my time on a daily basis. I hardy desire anything other than this but feel like I am missing out and not fully plugged into all that KabU offers.
When is the next congress and how do I get involved in the group of 10. Is there a group in the Tennessee area?
- February 6, 2024 at 11:16 am EST #360180
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorSince you’re not close to and nothing we put out is close to the secrets of Kabbalah, there’s no danger in spreading our materials. However, there is danger to one’s own advancement in spreading his own words about Kabbalah. And, as you see from experience, doing so also affects your relationships. That’s because a person is drawn to this wisdom and doesn’t really know why; he doesn’t really understand what it is. He has a sensor in him – the Point in the Heart – that avers, “This is the truth, only here is the truth.” But this sensor is a closed seed that needs to later sprout for him to understand why he had this feeling that this is the truth. Thus, one has no real, good explanations for why he’s studying what he’s studying, and his listeners lack this sensor – otherwise they’d be magnetically driven to the wisdom without your recommendations. After all, it’s an easy Google/youtube/etc. So, it appears strange to others that I’m suddenly extremely into this new thing. They could understand a religion, yoga – these have millions of followers to confer their validity. There’s also a special repulsion that a person feels to even the word Kabbalah, let alone discourse on it, if I hear it before my Point in the Heart has surfaced, and I truly feel that the person seemingly is going away from and wants to take me away from pleasure.
Therefore, I advise not to help the wisdom of Kabbalah – it doesn’t need our help to spread – and instead to focus on one’s own advancement, the development of that Point inside, by which one will be able to provide explanations that will attract and not repulse… to study in a low-key, even somewhat undercover manner, in the meantime. By this, one’s relationships will be better, and they will even subconsciously feel that you’re better and that you studying Kabbalah is the reason.
- August 15, 2023 at 12:02 am EDT #328799
Zealot Mines
PartícipeSpirituality the far I have learned has a meaning and its not what I thought it is.. In one of the sessions I heard that is does not have anything to do with corporeality.. My question is: What benefit/addition does spirituality have in corporeality.. in the context of dissemination?
- August 15, 2023 at 1:08 am EDT #328801
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorCloser to connection is unequivocally better for a person. More distant from connection is worse for a person. Kabbalah is the science of connection. In somewhat of a connection with others, most of the problems in the world would be solved. In deeper connection the Creator is even revealed.
- July 9, 2023 at 9:24 pm EDT #325893
Ann Stephens
PartícipeThe idea of dissemination is appealing to me, but I haven’t even mentioned to very many people in my life that I am studying Kabbalah. I live in a small town in the Midwest (USA) and I think most people will think I am doing something weird or joined a cult or something. How does one practice dissemination when the local network seems not to be receptive at all?
- July 10, 2023 at 12:29 am EDT #325909
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorNo one in my immediate surroundings has ever learned I study Kabbalah. With the internet it’s not necessary. However, you should wait and learn to do it properly. For now, best is to work on your own advancement.
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