Engage in discussions on the week 4 lesson and materials, receiving guidance from a Kabbalah instructor.

Inicio Foros Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 4 Discuss Engage in discussions on the week 4 lesson and materials, receiving guidance from a Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #427180
      Katrina Leeks

      I appreciated the style of this week’s lesson. It allowed me to connect with the first-hand experiences of those who have been to a Congress. Thank you!

    • #373968

      Hi Gianni,

      My understanding is that the ego is the matter and the condition which forms the basis of my existence.  But the fact is that I have the freedom to choose how to use my ego based on an intention to bestow or to receive for personal benefit.  This suggests I am not my ego.  My ego is simply the only faculty I have at my disposal through which I can fulfil my intention.  This suggests to me that my true essence is anything but my ego.  So, my question is who or what am I?  Who or what is the true ‘I’ who has the freedom to determine the way in which his faculties ought to be used?

      Thank you.

      • #374072

        You consist of various, unscrutinized qualities, which for now are all mixed up like in a soup. From the study of Kabbalah, this parts of this soup get divided out, and then you can work with them in a clear way. For now though, you try to determine your spiritual future by taking what you can from the egoistic direction, and placing it on the side of the spiritual direction. You’ll be able to do so to the extent you manage your environment, to make it more spiritual. Besides this management, everything else is predetermined.

    • #372932

      The week 4 classes freaked me out!  (all the other classes were great!).  I’ve been in so many groups before, large and small, where we had to do things like gaze in each others’ eyes in silence and hug each other.  I hated those so much!  It always seemed so fake, especially since afterwards in trying to talk with the same people, more often than not there was discomfort/ awkwardness,  mainly from lack of our personalities meshing comfortably I guess.  Maybe the gazing and hugging is what’s real and the trying to talk is what’s not, but I associate these types of exercises with nothing genuine and good.  I’ll feel really disappointed if the so-promising things in most of the lectures and books here turn out to be beautiful words only.  I guess I’m in a descent, is that correct?  What might I anticipate next?

      • #372950

        Hi Hannah,

        I wouldn’t call that a descent. You’re just trying to make sense of this path, but there’s a lot of missing information as well as misinformation in the form of experiences from other paths which make it harder to imagine what we’re talking about.
        What’s described here are laws of nature, which are eternal. We’re in them whether we learn about them or not, and eventually we’ll have to learn about them.

    • #369730

      Hi Gianni.  I’m George from Melbourne, Australia.

      I was hoping to join the virtual congress this year, but I’m afraid that it would require a full day commitment for three whole days.  I own my own business and I really haven’t the ability to take one day off work, let alone three days.  What are my options please?

      Thank you!

      • #369801

        If it’s a virtual congress, you can register for virtual participation. If you have a ten by then, you group with them; if not, you’ll group with others in your same situation.

        • #370983

          Hi Gianni.

          What is the Son of Man?  What does this phrase mean?

        • #370984

          The parts of the one soul that was created, Adam HaRishon.

        • #371085

          Thanks Gianni

    • #359935

      Hi Julian,
      I was so excited to meet the group yesterday and I anxious to start week 4 today, which I finished. I really look forward to each weekly lesson since I started studying Kabbalah. Now week 5 doesn’t begin again for more than month and I feel saddened by that.
      What should I do in the meantime?

      • #359944

        Hi Gamela,

        Let me know if I’m missing something, but the courses with Julian are self-paced. After  finishing those you enter the grad program where there’s 3-4 optional live classes per week.

        • #359954

          Hi Gianni,

          Thanks. I must have went ahead earlier, it now shows the next session as Feb 11th. Sorry for the bother.

          By the way, I love your videos.

          Thanks again!


        • #360059

          Thanks, Gamelah. I’m not sure, but it’s probably the next session with Julian? Like I said, that’s not going to make or break you since if you continue you’ll have optional live instruction several times a week.

    • #356839
      Tammy Ardoin

      If we cannot get to a Congress, can we still attain equivalence of form with the Creator?

      • #356841

        Hi Tammy,

        Let’s deal only with what’s before us now. There’s no congress to go to, so don’t worry about it. I’m assessed spiritually based on my realistic options – including if, examining every angle, I really have no possibility to get to a congress but wanted to with all my heart. There will be virtual congresses in the meantime. And probably in September there will be a KabU Retreat near New York and one in May near Amsterdam – whichever is closer to you is worthwhile to attend, at least once, as it will change your whole approach to the virtual environment which is going to be your main arena for spiritual work.

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