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    • #59772

      From recommended reading : R E V E A L E D  A N D  C O N C E A L E D

      Such an inversion requires a special process, called Segula(merit). Segula refers to an indirect process that traverses the Upper  System, and then returns to the individual. Using Kabbalah  studies, one draws nearer to the Upper, altruistic Thought. This  Thought does not act upon the will to receive, or upon the ego,  but rather on the altruistic point—the point in the heart.

      The similarity of nature between the point in the heart and  the Upper Thought creates a connection between them, and they  possess the same nature. The Upper Thought acts upon the point  and molds it into various patterns, which we perceive as seeming  to exist outside of us, in the spiritual realm.

      Actually, these Forms do not exist outside of us at all, but  within us. As with the illusion that everything we see in this  world is outside us, so is the case in the spiritual world. However,

      when we acquire more spiritual Forms, we come to understand  and to know the Thought that develops and builds these Forms  within us.

      During the process of coming to know this Thought, we  build internal Forms that become increasingly similar to the Upper Thought. In so doing, we equalize ourselves with this Thought  until it becomes the “self” of that person, after which one rises to  the level where this Thought originated.

      Question : Could you say more about Segula ? Here translated as merit, in another kabbalistic text translated as remedy. Is it becoming increasingly  aware of the reshimot?

      • #59774

        Hi Paul

        Segula means remedy in Hebrew, it’s that simple. It’s called remedy because like when I go to the doctor with a serious illness I must take the medicine he prescribes, by using the knowledge of the doctor, and not relying on my knowledge, because I could die a few times over before I can acquire the medical expertise of the doctor; similarly when I discover I’m sick with a quality of reception that prevents me from revealing the Creator, due to the law of Equivalence of Form, I must simply grab onto the Kabbalists and follow their advice as a remedy. It doesn’t seem so to me? No problem. I take it as-is, like I swallow the medicine in the pill bottle. It’s the wise guy who thinks he knows better than doctors – even a little bit – who is actually the fool.

    • #59624

      Hi Camila, I’m sorry I missed this. The spiritual adaptor is the Screen, and this itself is quite complex. But in short, it’s the intention to bestow that is over the desire to receive, which has to have first undergone the Tzimzum (restriction). The Ark is something else but it’s related – although everything in Kabbalah is related since it speaks of a complete, interconnected system. You can read more about it here.

    • #58982

      Is the concept of spiritual adapter to connect the Creator (force of bestowal) and creature (force of reception) the same concept of the Ark of the Covenant described in The Zohar?

      • #60270

        Thank you, Gianni! Everything is clear now.

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