Can you find a single action that does not follow the law of maximum benefit? Try to notice the law of maximum benefit at work in your life. Can you share new insights that you have discovered?

Inicio Foros Course Forums The Science of Human Emergence Our Inner Program Can you find a single action that does not follow the law of maximum benefit? Try to notice the law of maximum benefit at work in your life. Can you share new insights that you have discovered?

  • #33179

    Gil Shir

    Can you find a single action that does not follow the law of maximum benefit? Try to notice the law of maximum benefit at work in your life. Can you share new insights that you have discovered?

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  • Autor(a)
    • #51861
      MAROUANE Bakiz

      My mind suffers now to find this action hhh

    • #43720

      I don’t think we can find to do anything except  to derive the maximum  benefits….that’s  the foundation.

    • #43401
      T.Y. Light

      I’m ready

    • #42396

      1) breaking up with someone you think you love deeply, possibly more than you’ve ever cared for in your life.  If you love something set it free.  I.e. huge age gap between the two. The younger female says she doesn’t want children but the man knows she does as it’s human desire. He ends it.  Terrible feeling………..That man feels and thinks that he’ll never find love again

      2) Jumping on a hand grenade for your brothers in arms. God forbid but an example nonetheless

    • #42170
      Tony Escujuri

      Everything I seem to do is calculated to achieve maximum effort.

    • #41906

      No I can’t find anything to contradict the law of max benefit. In doing various volunteer jobs I noticed most volunteers feel they’re getting more than they’re giving thru their efforts.

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