Why is it difficult for us to notice the way in which our environment influences us?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Happiness 9. Why You Must Take Control of Your Day-to-Day Environment Why is it difficult for us to notice the way in which our environment influences us?

  • #28521


    Why is it difficult for us to notice the way in which our environment influences us?

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    • #411677

      It’s a vested self-interest seeking instant gratification. We are not thinking for the best suited collective yet.

    • #393087

      waar we wonen, met welke mensen we contact hebben,  ons beroep, hobby’s  leefmilieu het beinvloedt ons meer dan we denken. We lopen mee in het gareel van de opvoeding, van wat men van ons verwacht. En toch  leerde ik dat alles vanuit de hogere wereld is voorzien, de dingen gebeuren zoals onze Creator het wil

    • #367419

      well i would say that when things go wrong we blame the enviroment but when things go right we want to take the credit because it makes us feel good. But I have now learnt that all of these actions, thoughts and events is the enviroment opporating through our ego and has nothing with the true us. Every big eye openner for me.

      Thanks for helping me understand this it changes everything for me

    • #335634
      Abbaa Naa’ol



      Climate change has become an existential debate because of certain misconceptions creeping in, creating confusion. Today, we’ll take a look at these misconceptions and the top reasons for climate change denial.

    • #321107

      We are completely hardwired by the environment on our automatically functioning  nervous system level, just as animals are, but in a self-destructive way and these autonomic connections are “running the show”, our lives. Our higher, logical/reasoning function is focused only on the already formed, “faulty” program and is disconnected from the rest our more primitive, yet highly intelligent, nature developed, automatic functions – just the fact how much complex, biochemical function is going on after we eat a meal to transform the food into energy? Super complex and intelligent work, yet we do not have to think and reason and calculate with our higher brain to do it, goes automatically. We have to turn our higher brain potential to observe, understand and re-integrate the survival functions into everyday life. Then we might be able to start seeing/perceiving how we are influenced by our environment and rewire or re-program ourselves to make positive changes to match  the evolutionary force.

    • #317153

      We’re so close to it, it forms us. We can’t see the forest for the trees…

      Our opinions, thoughts, etc. etc. etc

      Because it’s our only point of freedom from the ego most likely, eh? “Anything but that”, the ego tells us 😁

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