Do you ever feel like reality is the product of your own perception?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality Do you ever feel like reality is the product of your own perception?

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  • Autor(a)
    • #333019
      Claribel Rivera

      Yes definitely the main question which is what draws me here. How to change it

    • #331366
      maria santos

      Even as a child I felt that what i perceived was not what others perceived. Simply my eyes were different from someone else, so even if I said something was red, in their view it might be blue but since we were all taught that an apple was red, we call whatever color we see an apple as red.  It became even more apparent as an adult when I would sit in a meeting and something would be said and later you would find out that people sitting in the same meeting heard something different

    • #330732

      Most of the time,  but not always.  Sometimes I struggle with blaming others especially if great wrongs or harm is done to me or others.   I find it takes time for me to filer and process the event/subject in order for me to see the higher potential or the Creators will in that situation.

    • #330619
      Roberto Ayala

      Yes but I would prefer not to : D

    • #330453

      Yes. Learning that we are one soul has changed my perception and therefore my reality.

    • #329787
      Ali Nadalipour

      Feel it as it is.but when free frfrom thinking gradually it changes.

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