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- This topic has 151 replies, 55 voices, and was last updated hace 1 mes by
Gianni – KabU Instructor.
- June 25, 2021 at 1:23 pm EDT #55273
Gianni – KabU InstructorModeratorGet your questions answered by a KabU instructor.
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- September 10, 2021 at 2:09 am EDT #62510
Lu Lu
PartícipeI don’t have any questions, I’m simply taking it all in and connecting the dots. Thank you.
- September 14, 2021 at 5:02 pm EDT #62991
PartícipeThis is a very good answer.
but when quoting Rabbi Akive why half quote, rabbi Akive was Jewish and was practicing Judaism to an extent that he has given away his life to only learn Torah, he was killed by the romans for doing just that.
While the saying “love the other as you love yourself” is considered the soul of the Mitzvot the physical actions are the body of it, and you must have both you will not get anywhere in spirituality without it.
And in Torah you don’t have to replace any pre-perceptions, because both can be the truth, it will depend from where you are coming and your level of attainment and to which level you want to get.
but trying to portray Kabbala as a free range is not right, it’s not free range, it’s a Jewish wisdom and you will not change it with whatever you going to say.
- September 14, 2021 at 6:00 pm EDT #62992
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorTry it as you’re saying, see if it works. That’s the only way to know if it’s correct. Meaning if the goal is not to attain the Upper World while still alive in this world, as surely and concretely as being born into our world, with 5 new senses, then presumably the goal is something else, which we’re not after here, and so there’s nothing to talk about. But if that is the goal, then you do have to choose one place, one method, and you will have to nevertheless exchange all your internal values, since all of those come from the will to receive, and therefore they are inherently flawed, and rather the opposite of all of them is the case, if from a will to receive I want to invert to a will to bestow, the opposite property of the Creator – as Baal HaSulam says, we are the will to receive “without a shred of bestowal” and He is the opposite, the Will to Receive without a shred of reception. This takes into account one’s mind, heart, all that he is. We at KabU will continue with the method as we teach it, and there are many other places, as it’s said, there are many ways to the Creator. And the good news about the latter approach is that you do come to understand while you’re still alive whether you’re on the right path, since the result must come while you’re still alive, and the sages write about it that 5 years are sufficient to have already seen a good sign, to check and see if one is on the right path or not, or as Rabbi Yosi says, that even 3 years are enough to see a good sign. I therefore I wish you luck, as all are meant to attain the Creator, the goal of life.
- September 14, 2021 at 7:35 pm EDT #62998
PartícipeLet me tell you.
in essence you are right, and all the work we do as the chosen people is to attain the upper worlds while we are still in this world which is true, and you explanation of what prayer is, is special.
but to try hard to cut out religion of it is wrong and you will not succeed, it’s embedded in religion no matter how you’l dress it.
For instance when it come to explain the biblical stories as something that didn’t happen in this world, just forces, Abraham represents this, and Moses this, it’s all true, but nevertheless the stories have all played out in this world, to say different is like someone will say in thousands of years and some are already telling it today, that the Holocaust didn’t happen, there was a war of forces between the Germans and the Jews but no one actually died in this world.
dose it sound familiar?
- September 14, 2021 at 10:24 pm EDT #63005
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorIt sounds like studying a bit here even strengthened your faith in your religion, that there is the right place for you. I would also be happy that someone was able to become even more satisfied with their own approach, by seeing ours. We teach the method of Baal HaSulam and Rabash, as best as we understand it, and that’s why it’s going to stay as-is.
- September 8, 2021 at 12:39 pm EDT #62168
PartícipeI am having a difficult time understanding what the light of a Hassadim is compared to the light of Hochma. Is the first just the intention to bestow while the second one actually is the quality of bestowal? Please help clarify. Thank you.
- September 8, 2021 at 11:50 pm EDT #62256
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorThe truth is there are as many kinds of Lights as their are Kelim (vessels). But Hassidim and Hochma are the two major forms of Light. Hochma is the pleasure of the fulfilment itself, of reception in order to bestow; and Hassidim is the fulfilment of bestowal. Not receiving to bestow, just bestowing in order to bestow.
- September 8, 2021 at 12:14 pm EDT #62162
PartícipeDear teacher I just wanted to let you know that the ‘check for understanding’ last question in section 2 has an error. Both answers are the same and need to be edited. Thank you
- September 14, 2021 at 10:24 pm EDT #63006
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorThank you, Marz
- September 7, 2021 at 1:16 pm EDT #61723
Helen J
PartícipeThanks, Gianni, for the explanation.
That is exactly how I feel. As less this world makes sense for me, the more I search for the meaning of life, and I can’t deny that I often feel sad and isolated from other people because of that. Is it considered that is considerate the vegetative level?
Why, when we climb the 125 steps of the spiritual ladder or when we have more knowledge, we become more egoist?
Please forgive me I have many questions.
- September 7, 2021 at 2:17 pm EDT #61726
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Helen,
No, we are considered to be on the Animate level in our world. To reach the spiritual Still, Vegetative, Animate and Speaking degrees is already something special. The spiritual Still is where I correct my properties of Reception so that I’m at least not negatively affecting my environment by my attitude towards others. I still can’t Bestow, but I don’t cause harm.
When we climb the spiritual ladder we become more egoistic because egoism is the Desire to Receive that also has the intention to receive for oneself, and all of the broken desires are this way, and ascending the ladder means getting more and more of these broken desires to correct, which means to first Restrict their usage with the intention to receive, and afterwards, use them correctly, with the intention to bestow. By correcting all the desires we achieve complete Equivalence of Form with the Creator. By these uncorrected desires we’re exactly opposite to Him, by inverting them we become similar to Him.
- September 6, 2021 at 4:11 pm EDT #61642
PartícipeOn question 6, the answers are the same.
- September 6, 2021 at 8:25 am EDT #61503
Helen J
PartícipeCould you let me know if become opposite to the creator, which is light is connected to the physical world with the darkness that we go through in life? I mean all suffering and pain and emptiness we feel.
- September 6, 2021 at 10:22 am EDT #61578
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorYes, all of our lives in this world are to accumulate enough impressions – and these are inevitably impressions of the suffering and futility of all our pursuits in this world, and the little bit of good is only because you can’t feel one thing without comparing to it’s opposite. That’s why the Upper Force also sends us good. But it is not interested in us feeling good in this world unless we will alongside it be striving to fulfill the goal for which our life was created, because it has a specific goal, and the Upper Force only thinks of this goal. That’s why for us what is considered dark is actually the Light, because the Light is was brings us closer to the goal, but what brings us closer to the goal is what takes us further from our comforts, doesn’t let us rest, causes us to ask “what is the purpose of living in this world?” In short, it pushes us towards the inner change in which we will truly feel the darkness as Light. We exist already in the Upper World filled with eternal sublime pleasures like a cat exists at a grand symphony. We don’t have the right vessels to enjoy this Light. Therefore, we need new vessels, which start to be formed during the study of the wisdom of Kabbalah, and then we’ll feel the wondrous world in which we exist.
- October 30, 2021 at 2:19 pm EDT #184676
PartícipeHi Gianni and Helen!
Dear Gianni, I love this response and have thought about it a lot. My question is about your excellent analogy: “We exist already in the Upper World filled with eternal sublime pleasures like a cat exists at a grand symphony. We don’t have the right vessels to enjoy this Light. Therefore, we need new vessels, which start to be formed during the study of the wisdom of Kabbalah, and then we’ll feel the wondrous world in which we exist.”
The image of the (animal) cat at a human event implies that cat cannot enjoy a quality of pleasures intended for human perceptions because, being an animal, the cat does not have the vessels, and therefore is not the kind of entity or being who can enjoy music. I infer from this that we “humans” in this world are not (yet) the kind of creatures whom might be able to enjoy the fullness of the “symphony” that is in the “wondrous world in which we exist.” So, did I understand that correctly? Must we, upon receiving the appropriate vessels for receiving the the delight of the Upper Light, became a different kind of creature than “human”?
- October 31, 2021 at 12:51 am EDT #184697
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorOur bodies remain, they are the way we’re imagining the coarsest level of our desire, and beyond this we need to develop the connection with the rest of our desire, which will only be allowed to be connected with a correct intention.
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