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    • #184696

      I understand that Kelim can not shine without a screen. If Malchut in Ein Sof illuminated fully just before Shame and restriction, can we derive that there already was a screen on Malchut in Ein Sof?

      • #190207

        In Ein Sof no Screen is required. Without a Screen it was possible to receive. Only later comes the decision that now I will only receive with an intention to bestow. The Screen is this intention.

    • #182960

      Hi Friends

      Just amaze on how many beautiful layers !!!


    • #126384
      Joanne Kabu-W10

      I was beginning to think that a lot more pieces of this wisdom is falling into place. I’m grateful for the message from Baal HaSulam that the need to understand isn’t as important as the desire and yearning to study and how this awakens the lights surrounding me. Could you clarify the different names used for the lights? Is the upper light Ohr Elion the same as the direct light Ohr Yashar.  Please excuse the spellings. Also couldn’t read the spelling of the Inner light Ohr Pnimi?  Your class has been the most informative and helpful. Thank you!

      • #126835

        Thanks, Jj. There are many, many Lights and different kinds of each Light, but the general names are Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama, Haya, Yechida. Ohr Elion (Upper Light) is a general term, like Creator or Upper Force – because there are more specific terms for the way in which a person attains Him, as it is said “every day I have a new Creator”. But it’s useless to get confused with all those names that others attained and which have all kinds of associations but which we don’t yet attain at all. Ohr Yashar (Direct Light), though it is certainly that Upper Force that shines always, we use as a term to describe the Light that shines always but which we are already mounting a resistance towards, such that there would be Ohr Pnimi (Inner Light). There’s Light all around me now, but it’s impractical to call it “Direct Light” because I have no Screen, etc.

    • #59891

      I´m lost….

      • #61204

        Hi SJE,

        It’s ok to be lost with this material, it’s speaking of a reality we don’t feel yet, but which we can start to feel gradually.

        Baal HaSulam writes in Item 155 of the Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot:

        “Although they do not understand what they are learning, through the yearning and the great desire to understand what they are learning, they awaken upon themselves the Lights that surround their souls…Hence, even when he does not have the vessels, when he engages in this wisdom, mentioning the names of the Lights and the vessels related to his soul, they immediately shine upon him to a certain extent. However, they shine for him without clothing the interior of his soul, for lack of able vessels to receive them. Yet, the illumination one receives time after time during the engagement draws upon him grace from Above, imparting him with abundance of sanctity and purity, which bring him much closer to achieving perfection.

        Therefore, if you have specific questions, we can delve into them and come closer to these matters.

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