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    • #429549

      Hi Gianni, each does all the 125 spiritual levels exist within Malchut phase 4? Are the other phases of light something that Kabbalists attain?

      • #429552

        All the phases are attained within Malchut. Malchut is the true Creation, which needs to be corrected, with the help of the other Sefirot.

    • #427233

      I’m having a hard time following with the chronology, speaking about how shame occurs in the partzuf in tikkun olam in the chapter of adam kadmon, after the four phases of direct light, and 4 chapters after the one on shame, I’m lost.

      • This reply was modified hace 3 semanas, 5 días by Vianney.
      • This reply was modified hace 3 semanas, 5 días by Vianney.
      • #427254

        I think you have some background knowledge that is confusing you. Where did you get ‘Tikun Olam’? The World of Correction is Atzilut, which comes later. Where did you get Partzuf? We don’t call the 4 Phases of Direct Light by that name. These are specific technical terms, so they only apply in specific places.

        • #427265

          He is speaking about Partzuf in the video at 2:58 and after. Then since the video is speaking about the work with the light and the intention in the Partsuf in Malchut I guessed that it was the work of Tikun which I believed did not occur before Tikun Olam.

          But until now I believed Adam Kadmon was only the first world at the beginning of the four phases of the direct light, the one created by the Kav in the Tzimtzum, so Adam Kadmon in Malchut is new to me.

        • #427268

          It all starts with the Four Phases of Direct Light, then Shame, Restriction, and then there is the matter of a Partzuf, since it is the result of Restriction on the ordinary way of receiving.

          This first Partzuf is already called the World of Adam Kadmon. World comes from a word that means Concealment. The Created Being hides the Light from itself.

          There’s no concept of “Adam Kadmon in Malchut” here, unless you refer to the fact that everything is happening inside the Malchut of Eyn Sof. It’s understandable that things are getting confused, they will get sorted out.

        • #427356

          My confusion comes from the general order. The way I’ve learned it was EinSof > Tzimtzum > Kav > AdamKadmon (fist kli) > four phases of direct light, at the end of which Malchut.

          But in this course the world of Adam Kadmon is created for Malchut in order that it can reach the equivalence of form with the creator. (and not in Malchut as I wrote before, my bad) That’s in the 38 first seconds of the video 7.

          So I missed or misunderstood an essential information in order that it can be coherent in my mind because it seems to me that if Malchut exists, Adam Kadmon necessarily exists too at the beginning of everything.


        • #427361

          Mine is the order Baal HaSulam describes in Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah and The Study of the Ten Sefirot. Now, if you studied somewhere else, it’s quite possible they confused the order because the writings of the Ari were out of order, being compiled by different people over centuries.

    • #408483

      How will I know when I am unwilling to receive if I “can’t be certain it will be in order to bestow?”

      • #408499

        It’s a decision a person makes. If I don’t know, that’s because I haven’t decided that just yet.

    • #385898

      This course is like WOW! I am trying my best to digest and retail the details of the course but am enjoying it.

      • #385920

        Great to have you with us, Proffboff. Just enjoy and don’t worry about remembering so much. The Light will work.

    • #366466

      Wow, I thought I was really understanding, then this video came and I feel as lost as ever. I cannot even come up with a question. It’s ok, just wow.

    • #321197

      Hi there 🙂

      1. I am not sure I understand what Parzuf and Tzimtzum are exactly, can you please help me understand?

      2. In the quote from Baal ha Sulam, it says “become a clothing”, that does that mean?

      3. “…when his friend sufficiently implores him…”, what does this mean, how much is sufficiently?

      Thank you in advance!

      • #321202

        Hi Zorica,

        Partzuf = 10 Sefirot, divided into 3 parts called Rosh, Toc, Sof. Essentially this is the division of the desire so that it can become a system of bestowal.

        Clothing = We can only know the Light by its actions. When it clothes the desire it gives it forms of bestowal like those of the Creator.

        When his friends implores sufficiently… this is the Host imploring the guest to eat and enjoy. Fist I have to reveal the host such that I have such a relationship with Him. Then I can know what this imploring is and how much is enough.

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