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Inicio Foros Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 8. The World of Adam Kadmon – Part 2 Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor.

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    • #284264

      geen vragen   ik begrijp ik nog een lange weg heb af te leggen      onze werkgelijkheid is nie onze werkgelijkheid maar  als een, droom   de  spirituele weg is een andere realiteit   nu nog niet voor mij weggelegd,  ik  ben een gebroken deeltje    Al streef ik ernaar  deel te mogen worden van die  ene  ziel Adam Harrison

    • #283074
      Lu Lu

      No Questions, simply trying to understand and I watched the video a couple of times. thank you.

    • #282117
      Sol Belo

      I am more comfortable with this now so I am sure will have questions later as I question what I have learned.

    • #281580
      Sol Belo

      For me, full “understanding” of this video can be considered a stretch but with my notes and review, I can say I have a general idea of the process.

    • #281179
      Jonathan Hague

      An observation: this segment is the first video that I needed to watch for a second time and make more detailed notes. It is on the second viewing and reading that understanding and a new dimension could be felt within.

      A question: is understanding simply what may appear to be ‘abstract’ information or a process that we are  remembering through exposure and other dynamic forces? The five senses of the body and mind are tricksters.

      • #281181

        Hi Jonathan,

        Understanding, for Kabbalists, means the quality of Bina. That is, to understand is only if I actually reach this quality of the Upper Force.

        But there’s also a benefit to the type of understanding you’re talking about, which is that I’m using my mind to try to feel and connect to the material, the effort awakens the Reforming Light, and bit by bit I feel I have more to grasp onto. And that shouldn’t lead me to be satisfied that I understand but it gives me more grip in the study so that I’ll be able to draw even more Reforming Light. Meaning I’ll be able to sit in the study and awaken more and more of these qualities that exist in my soul.

        • #281239
          Jonathan Hague

          Thanks, Gianni  – yes, “to be” the quality is to truly Understand. Perfectly articulated.

          By “Reforming Light” I understand that you mean drawing-in the “Surrounding Light” through will or intention.

    • #280846
      johan semloh

      Gears are important, for a car goes forward due to the working of pistons and gears.  We use a vehicle for good purposes without understanding the details of the mechanisms of propulsion contained in the mechanical function of the vehicle.  The deeper I get in these videos, the greater the sense that the complexity of what makes the vehicle (the System) go has me in a state of confusion as I sit behind the wheel, inundated with the minute details bout the inner-workings of the vehicle.  If I were an engineer, I believe this would be far more clear.  But an engineer I am not.  When I watch the New Life interviews with Dr. Laitman, I experience the living pulse of Kabbalah.  I am finding that in diving into the mechanics the pulse becomes much harder for me to detect.

      • #280863

        Hi Johan,

        Even Einstein would have a hard time here. The car is a good metaphor except in this case you, the real you, that is the soul, is the car, and to get inside it you have to build it first, and to build it, you need the Upper Light to build it for you – upon your request. To have this request you need to first learn about it, and search for these things within. They exist in you and all of it is a simple as a baby walking. It only seems complex because we’re in a 2D universe learning about a 3D universe, for example. We can’t imagine it. But when we discover it we find that it’s very simple. You’ll see that this whole Preface was like the ABCs song. It was just very foreign to us because we’re so immersed in our imaginary reality.

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