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Inicio Foros Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 9. TANTA: The Code in the Hebrew Letters Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor.

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    • #301690
      Anayo Nzute

      hello Gainni

      will it be right to say that the kli expels the light in other to create otiot which will become the right vessel to recieve the light with the right intention.

      • #301815

        We can’t say that it’s planned this way by the Kli, as here we are talking about a process that the Upper Light is moving the Desire through. But that outcome you describe is, of course, in the overall Plan of Creation.

    • #301437
      Ali Nadalipour

      Hi nice bro.whats the relation between ohr hozer and nekudot olam?

    • #288657

      It is difficult to understand the Hebrew words and to correlate them with my visual understanding

    • #284280

      geen vragen  enkel een bedenking.  Er zijn vijf werelden en die zijn er ook in  de spirituele  wereld. Wij zien enkel  deze wereld   die een afspiegeling heeft  in het spirituele. Is iemand die pas is overleden  dan eerst in  de  zwarte  donkerte  en hoelang duurt het opklimmen  van deze ziel naar  de volgende hogere  spirituele wereld .Is dat  afhankelijk van  zijn  goede daden  in deze wereld.

    • #281661
      Sol Belo

      How does Tagin differ from reshimot?

      • #281664

        Taamim, Nekudot, Tagin and Otiot are, in fact, considered the Reshimot of the Partzuf. These are the entry of the Light, how the Light needed to be expelled, what that was like, and the impression left after the Light was gone. This is everything in the universe. These leave a bread crumb trail up which we can climb through the spiritual worlds.

    • #280809
      Adelina Santos


      Ma and Bon have no guf , so the Hizdakchut is made in the masach of Peh de Rosh?

      Thank you


      • #280861

        MA and BON are Partzufim, which means they consist of Ten Sefirot, Rosh, Toc, Sof. The Toc and Sof together are called the Guf.

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