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- This topic has 165 replies, 72 voices, and was last updated hace 3 semanas, 6 días by
Gianni – KabU Instructor.
- June 24, 2021 at 12:00 pm EDT #55166
Gianni – KabU InstructorModeratorGet your questions answered by a KabU instructor.
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- September 6, 2021 at 11:41 am EDT #61623
PartícipeThis has continued to reoccur in my mind for years. Because I see society devolving rather than evolving, I have wondered if the shattered fragments continue to shatter as we fail to ignite the spark. In other words, because there are 7 billion people today, are these further fragmentations? Has the failure to develop the point in our heart caused the devolving? Are we further away in our seemingly more advanced and subsequently more self interested society? I guess we can’t be further than 125 levels away from the Light. I just thought maybe we further fragmented to make the correction more attainable? Now you’ve mentioned we are working backwards from the reconciliation, it kinda makes sense that we would be the most fragmented/self interested since creation.
- September 6, 2021 at 12:11 pm EDT #61626
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHey Laura, you can say so, that we are more and more shattered, although, in truth, when the Shattering occurred, it was a complete shattering; and from Above, there is also no time and space, but yes, in our perception of reality generations come and go, but it’s actually the same desire evolving and its evolution appears this way in our eyes. Also, we see changes in the world, but it’s only the revelation of what’s already there. Let’s say you have a new romantic couple and they look at each other as if everything is pink. A force of nature comes between them that glues them, causes them to see the flaws in the other but this force covers the flaws “with love” (although it’s not really love, but let’s say). This love causes them to make all kinds of concessions for the sake of the connection because the force filling their connection feels like goodness. Now, in society too there used to be a force that covered all the differences between us. Let’s call it capitalism, the American Dream, this sort of romance. Those too are just kind of how the force that covered our crimes and flaws sort of manifested in our awareness. But that development is over, the way, in a romantic relationship, there is no way that that force of nature that came between you is going to naturally keep binding you together. That’s only for a time. If you wish, you can say that it exists long enough for you to get married and have babies, and possibly to raise them, and not much longer than that! Nature also bound us together only to achieve its aim with society, and that aim was to make us utterly interdependent. That was what was really happening all while we thought we were discover different trade routes, new lands, buying and selling slaves, spreading religion. All this was to intertwine us by so many ties – internal, psychological, religious, political, financial – in order to externalize what is very much an airtight integral system of internal connections between us, such that one cannot even think a negative thought about another person without instantaneously harming himself. So this world is for us to reveal that we are connected, but we’re connected in a very bad way. Moreover, it’s for us to finally “get it” that we do not have the tools to create a good world, not with green energy, not with democracy, not with communism, socialism, anarchy – whatever you can think of, it will be bad. And the more pretty it seems, the more of a holocaust the reality of it will be. It’s for us to understand that we don’t know the way, in our egoistic vessels. Not as individuals, not by democratically deciding together. Because the way to connection – and all historical development was, in the end, different attempts at finding the way that people living on a planet together could live, and possibly even enjoy safety and even pleasure – cannot happen among people unless an Upper Force comes to connect us. We are like croutons in a bowl that cannot be connected unless a soup will come into it and then we’ll be “together” bound by the soup. Now, the way this force connected us just a little but before, we need to now pull this force into the connection again. Of course, if we do this, through the Wisdom of Connection, we will discover that our world can truly be the Garden of Eden. We can’t fathom how it could be that every person, though their pleasure used to be only at the expense of others, will have their deepest hidden desires fulfilled to the point that they can’t imagine something more or better than that. But only if we will connect. And truly the world, especially the United States, is in a state now of connection or destruction. In either case we’re going to soon discover that the laws of the universe don’t work anymore. You’ll turn on some device and see that it doesn’t work somehow. Not to mention that the political systems and economic systems falter. A new law inheres: the law of connection. That if you connect correctly to others, through education in how to connect, then whatever you need as well as wondrous sensations, the sense of the Upper Force, will materialize; and the further you move away from connection more and more clearly you’ll see direct negative results emerging.
- September 6, 2021 at 2:36 pm EDT #61637
PartícipeThank you so much, not only for taking my question seriously but for giving a really thorough explanation! It’s almost comforting mankind is not going to find a way through green energy, democracy etc. because it’s certainly not working! Connecting is a really difficult practice for me. I have a lot of contempt for mankind, yes even myself. The egotism is sickening, so I presume I’m in the right place. I would mention I was at Congress in ’10 and didn’t get it; maybe not my time.
- September 8, 2021 at 2:26 am EDT #61918
PartícipeCorrection, I attended Congress in ‘08 in Fallsview, NY.
- September 6, 2021 at 2:08 am EDT #61415
PartícipeHello, I seem to have the point in the heart (that is the desire to have answers to the question what is life about) already since I was 12 years old. Still I struggled since that and never reached fulfillment. Can Kabbalah help me to get there?
- September 6, 2021 at 2:17 am EDT #61422
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorThat’s what Kabbalah is for, to open up this seed, which has in it the potential to open up the Upper Worlds. It’s a closed point for now but out of this precious point emerges a whole new reality. It needs around it people who also have this point (this can be a virtual society like ours), books by those who already attained that Upper World, and a teacher (which can also be through the computer screen).
- September 5, 2021 at 2:02 pm EDT #61210
PartícipeDear Instructor,
If true Kabbalah practices occur above knowledge and the key to Kabbalah is our connection with others’ spark in their heart, how does “studies” play a part in our evolution/development of our Kli? Seems like more knowledge.
I have been deeply obsessed with obtaining knowledge since I was very, very young. It feels like I was born with this desire. If it will not get me to true fulfillment, why are some of us born with such strong but limited desires.
Pls advise. Thank you.
- September 5, 2021 at 2:23 pm EDT #61237
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorBecause knowledge is the highest of desires of this world after which we start wanting to attain the world that exists beyond our five senses. Before that we strive, first, just to feel, in our sense of touch, various plastic toys, and people, first mom, then someone of the opposite sex perhaps, we wish to rear children. These forms exist in our desire, want it or not. It’s there somewhere, eternal. We always want to delight in food, and various other pleasures of the body. Realizing the limitations of all these fulfilments, we also wish to make these fulfilments more accessible, so we desire money. It’s a quantitative way of guaranteeing I’ll have these fulfilments and also to ensure my safety, which is my ease, since my most basic need is not to have to move, since movement is suffering. Once I’ve secured these basics, I also wade into a new domain of pleasure, which is the social domain, and here I use whatever I can, to gain Respect, honor. If my desire is at this level, then I use the other desires, to this end. So it could be that I need more and more money, to get respect. It could be that I acquire vast knowledge, but it’s to aim at a lower level desire, of respect. Or, I could use the fact that I already have respect, for whatever reason, in order to get an even lower order desire, such as money. For example, I use by famous name to get money and I don’t care about the adulation so much. After moving through these degrees, where I am involved in all of them – food, sex, family, money, power, honor and knowledge – but I use them in a way that all the others serve the degree of desire that is my primary desire – I move through these desire like a baby moves from wanting to play with a ball, to wanting to play with dolls, to wanting to play with other kids, to greater and greater desires, up to, say, wanting to win a Nobel prize in physics. We too, as adults, move through the desires (not necessarily in a single lifetime) until we reach the desire for knowledge. But not in order to win a Nobel prize (honor/money) or for the sake of creating a nuclear bomb (power), but for the sake of knowing the truth itself. And within this Knowledge desire it could be that I am not developed enough to realize that to settle on a certain philosopher’s summary of “the truth” – say, Plato, Nietzsche, etc. – is not actually the complete picture and perhaps not even the correct one. And here it is possible that I discover in me a new desire that doesn’t belong to any Earthly ones. It’s the Point in the Heart, a spark that fell from the Upper World, into my desire. It demands actual attainment of the wisdom of Kabbalah specifically. It can’t settle for merely hearing about the Upper Worlds by those who attained them. When it learns the wisdom of Kabbalah, it feels like a truth that has always existed deep within, as if it somehow knows all of this already. It has to learn about the state it used to be in before it fell and became enrobed in the body of this world so that it can rise back up, in full attainment of the Upper World, even more concretely than we feel and attain this world. Every person will go through these stages of development of the desire as surely as a child goes through infancy, adolescence, etc. This means that everyone, too, will attain the purpose of this development which is the awakening of the Point in the Heart, and attainment of the Creator.
- September 5, 2021 at 3:15 pm EDT #61266
PartícipeThank you for taking your time to answer my questions. I will have to read this many more times for it to sink in. Although I understand what you are saying, I still feel a powerful drive to know more. Ha! Not sure how it will be useful but it is there so I believe it has a use. Thank you.
- September 6, 2021 at 2:20 am EDT #61423
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorThat’s good. But the same way knowledge about this world would be useless if you weren’t also in that world you’re researching, we need to attain the Upper World, to be born into it. Then that inclination for knowledge could make you a great Kabbalist. The Creator created a wondrous Upper World, worlds, which are for us to discover, then research.
- September 6, 2021 at 10:57 am EDT #61588
PartícipeAh! I’m understanding this a little more now! Thank you for helping guide me to the proper use. Spirituality or The Creator itself is really all I have ever wanted to know. I’m in science research but it has always been to understand the world around me, thinking THAT would get me a closer relationship to the One who Created it all, my main desire in this life. I am seeing the illusion of our world more and more and more. Understanding that the corporeal experiences are still just the consequences of a truer reality – in all honesty – is the most comforting and invigorating lesson. Now the work of learning how to refocus my lens to the Upper World (I believe through relationships with others – pls correct me if I am wrong.) that is scary but I am guessing the most incredible rewards await. Being part of the vessel that receives and bestows, nothing is greater.
- September 6, 2021 at 11:33 am EDT #61622
Gianni – KabU Instructor
ModeratorIf you’re a scientist, then you’ll be in a position to understand in what way Kabbalah is so scientific. In the science of our world, which Kabbalah respects because it’s based on actual data researched in our five senses, the researcher can research the matter from the outside, from above. She can say, if you put the particles in x kind of field, then y occurs; in c field, d occurs. And based on this, she can say, ok, so this matter has the following properties, based on its behavior in those two fields. And we could eventually discover that all particles in our world and the universe behave according to very specific laws, and that there is no free choice in them, anywhere in nature, there is no “probability” either, that’s merely a concept like Hilbert Space that we devised to represent empirical (or at least a priori) research we can’t yet conduct. In short, all is predetermined according to the data that emerged from that initial point of the Big Bang. After that is only its unfoldment, until all those developments will cause all the resultant particles to behave according to their inborn nature, and react to each other, again according to their nature, and in this way the whole process contained in that initial Big Bang seed plays out in ways that could all be predicted. We’re just lacking the data to make those predictions. Now, the cardinal difference in Kabbalah is that you are the particle you’re researching, and this already creates a problem. In the lab, I can put particles in any scenario that will generate the data I’m looking for. It’s harder when I’m the particle in question, and I need to put myself into a certain field, and it has to be a specific field because not all fields are alike, the way in our world perhaps only certain scientists have to tools to know that one space has a different charge than another. And only Kabbalists know that in a group of people who have the Point in the Heart there is a different field generated than elsewhere. With them, I can connect, but I place myself in a group under a certain teacher who gives certain exercises like a particle accelerator that can cause an interaction between particles that otherwise will never connect – and like all elements in nature are formed through connection (of quarks, superstrings, atoms, molecules) at our macro level of this law, we need to connect between us to give birth to the next level of reality, and it’s a total reality, one researched in 5 new senses that I have to develop. The way nature has processes that naturally (and with respect to our level of understanding of how it’s done in every baby, almost miraculously, even though it occurs by natural laws) build the baby’s 5 senses, we have to, this time, pull out of latent forces in nature the forces that will build these senses in us. And as “miraculously” as our five senses were built, a new five senses also can be built, while we’re still alive. They are internal (and your five senses now are also internal, except that we have an imaginary manifestation of them, that they’re also external). And with this new senses (which contains 5) I sense more and more of the Upper World. And I research it, just like a scientist in our world, except that first, I also had to give birth to myself, the researcher, to develop myself out of, say, an amoebic Point.
- September 6, 2021 at 11:49 am EDT #61624
PartícipeAgain, thank you so very much for the time you’re taking to guide me through these discoveries.
“It’s harder when I’m the particle in question, and I need to put myself into a certain field, and it has to be a specific field because not all fields are alike, the way in our world perhaps only certain scientists have to tools to know that one space has a different charge than another. And only Kabbalists know that in a group of people who have the Point in the Heart there is a different field generated than elsewhere.”
I am very grateful for this statement you made! it’s really helping to mold my understanding of the environment in a new and novel way. I always thought ANY connection with other people would bring me closer and therefore I sought out many spiritual communities over my decades of searching but now I REALLY can comprehend why this particular environment would have such a profound impact!
- September 4, 2021 at 12:49 pm EDT #61107
PartícipeNo questions yet.
- September 2, 2021 at 8:42 pm EDT #60943
InactiveThanks. I do not have any questions yet
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