How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

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  • Autor(a)
    • #317934
      John Caton

      My desires for the well being of others, and my desire for the correction of my ego would be answered .

    • #317275
      Rune T. A.

      I can pray for the Creator to teach me how to receive correctly. I can pray for the Creator to help me understand what I need to change within me, and why “I” need it.

    • #316704

      From the video it is explained one should “ask the upper force to change him so that he can feel the event as good by altering his inner nature so that he can sense the loving attitude that the Creator has in sending
      him that event.”

    • #316337

      By understanding that the only thing that can change is me; so praying is my honest desire to “correct” myself, to be able to accept reality with the point of view of a drop of water in the ocean.

    • #315636
      Gale Duncan

      No idea really, go into my prayer closet, stand on my head, pray really, really, really, no I mean really really hard, to God, Jesus

      I do pray though I’m not sure there’s a point to it

    • #314850

      Prayer has always been an ‘issue’ for me. I never really felt comfortable engaging in a ritual that seemed mechanical, if you follow me. My life’s approach to prayer came from the words of Jesus who suggested that we “pray continuously”, therefore my prayers have always been something of a causal conversation with my Creator. I could also pray in this way where ever I was and when ever, so I found after a while I was always having these, conversations (prayers) with my creator, all the time.

      Then of course there is the idea of humility in the form of kneeling or prostration which for me has always been difficult to do as it always made me feel inferior and I didn’t like that considering I am supposed to be a son of God, umm why would my father require my prostrations to prove my love, etc…

      I do like the idea that we can communicate in some way with this creative being and I have always desired that level of relationship, however at this point in my life I can honestly say I have no idea how to pray and would like it very much if someone could offer some ideas about it from the Kabbalah perspective.

      Thank you


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