How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

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  • Autor(a)
    • #222517

      That we become more like the Creator and that my desires are that of the Creator.

    • #221833
      Amy Padilla

      Pray for the benefit of All of mankind, animals, creatures and souls.

    • #221367
      christiany froklich

      Asking to creator correct my intentions, changing my perseption about the reality.

    • #221339

      Accordingly to Kabbalah, I would pray to ask the Creator to turn my will of receiving into the will of bestowall. To change my heart and my attitudes.

    • #221142
      Godday Chukunda

      By asking the Creator to change the way I think, feel and understand so that I may understand that all that is happening whether good or bad is as a reason His own higher plans/will towards me and eventually a good one. Not asking the Creator to change the situation and making it better according to what may not be His will for me.

    • #220454

      Ask the Creator to change the way we are thinking, in order to understand what and why we are going through the situation. To help us to perceive correctly and accept, so that we can find solutions.

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