How can we move forward on the path of light & transformation?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 4. Understanding the World Around You How can we move forward on the path of light & transformation?

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    • #287385

      By continuing to study Kabbalah and apply what we learn.

    • #287139

      We have to use our inner qualities  to want to have a intention to change.  A inner observance of looking at nature and knowing how to interconnect with nature for the highest good.  Allow your intuitive senses to guide you to our creator.

    • #286452
      Tricia Cox

      Quit looking at the past and living in fear that it is going to repeat it self. Everything is either a black and white issue that is being pushed by the government so they can get ahead, not what we the people can do to come together to become a great nation. No race or male for female is better then the other, It is our outlook and love we have to give towards one another. What is going on in the world today is the lack of understand by people that hears one message from the news and they go on the media stating it is fact. When this whole time they were lied to.  We need to look outside the box of our phones an computers and start talking to people face to face and through a device.

    • #286307
      Rick Reed Sr

      with our intention to change, we can then find the quality that is needed to change and move forward

    • #286241
      dree monster

      practice kabbalah
      have the right intentions in your daily acitvities

    • #285337

      1. By looking at creation and how everything in it is interconnected.

      2. To see tha we are also interconnected to humanity and creation.

      3. To search for ways in which we may bestow to creation and humanity the blessings we have received.

      4. When we do that, we reach spirituality and our Creator since our Creator, as well as nature’s nature is to bestow.

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