How would you describe the change we have to go through in the 21st century, as individuals and as a society?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Crossroads Film Course #4: WHAT DO WE NEED TO CHANGE? How would you describe the change we have to go through in the 21st century, as individuals and as a society?

  • #28672


    How would you describe the change we have to go through in the 21st century, as individuals and as a society?

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    • #419050

      This is a huge game changer 🙌 for individuals and global

    • #367400
      Lu Lu

      The death of the ego…  the new consciousness is telepathic and the truth of humanity will no longer need ego as we will view all as transparent. It will be a new DNA of telepathic and transparency and from this, our hearts and empathy will start to grow. Our new generation will become born with these traits and the old will diminish. We are watching evolution happen as we speak but most cannot see it or unaware of it because they are glued to the TV and watching the soap opera of politics and tik tok of lies. They are still in sheep sleep state and they will need us to guide them when the internal war comes. Its here and they don’t know it. As an individual, i need to do my part on staying true to all and loving them even through sleep.

    • #315567
      Rune T. A.

      Well, we are building consciousness, individually and collectively. I think that first and foremost we have to understand and feel how deeply connected we are as a society and internationally. Meaning, someone  made the clothes I wear, someone made the tools I use, someone built the building in wich I live, someone takes care of society’s children everyday, someone cares for the sick, someone maintains the sewers I depend on etc. It shouldn’t take a lot for most people to get this, we could emphasize it in schools. It should be only logical that we want other people to be happy and doing their best in whatever function they might have and even take some amount of pride in their contribution to society. If we achieve this, we will have excellent, useful, healthy and sustainable products and services for all to enjoy. The other very important thing is to understand that there is meaning to our lives and purpose to the world. We can’t force spiritual understanding on anyone (and we shouldn’t), but when enough people sees and feel the deeper meaning to our lives, interest will spread automatically and dissemination is inevitable and important. I don’t know how the future will play out, but I know that there are people working against this “spiritual awakening” and I can tell that they are worried because their “push backs” are getting harder and more and more ridiculous. What I fail to understand is how/why so many people do not care about the origin of the universe, and how it is that one can think that first there was nothing, and then suddenly, out of the blue and with no provokation/intent there were planets, magnetism, electricity, gravity and Life and thoughts and feelings. Kabbalah explains it to me, they have no desirre or too small an ego to even have those discernments, but still, is there anything more important than those questions??

    • #305386
      Purity K

      I would describe the change we go through in the 21st century as that of taming the ego and embracing oneness.

    • #292533
      Adelina Santos

      It is an internal change, from egoism to bestowal, so that every individual will take care of thier neighbors with love, and this will change society.

    • #289680

      We worden meer en meer  experten op elk gebied  fysiek  technisch  maar hopelijk ook  op solidair  gebied, als individu kan ik  me volledig ontwikkelen   en word ik zeker meer onafhankelijk  maar  ik hoopndat we als society elkaar blijven steunen,  waar het kan , met wie hetk an  we  moeten zeker ook meer spiritueel denken, inzien dat alles gebeurt om een reden,  we zullen  inzien dat we  niet zonder elkaar kunnen,  dat er meer is dan de behoefte aan geld macht  rijkdom  maar dat we vooral  proberen gelukkig te zijn  , tevredenheid en solidariteit en dankbaarheid voor het  geschenk van dit leven

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