In what situations does concealment make something more attractive than it would be otherwise?

Inicio Foros Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 7. The World of Adam Kadmon – Part 1 In what situations does concealment make something more attractive than it would be otherwise?

  • #55409

    In what situations does concealment make something more attractive than it would be otherwise?

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    • #127434
      tefo bogosi

      If there was no concealment the creation would not at some point start to feel that there is something missing and that no other pleasure that it seeks out and enjoys seems to permanently fill this void. Thus begins the search for meaning and purpose. The more the creation seeks the, the more the Creator reveals, the more the creation seeks.

    • #127221

      In the situation that the  desire to reveal the thought of creation, in fases , along the way of development, is opposite to the desire of just receiving pleasure from the Creator. You have to be conscious where to find the similarities, attributes to attain to this thought.

      Not knowing what to attain in the end makes it more attractive than a (Hollywood-movie, newest James Bond, etc).  To say the least.

    • #62682
      Helen J

      When the concealment block the upper, on the dark side it is possible to see only flash of it, and the result of it is the natural desire to receive more.

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