Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2

Inicio Foros Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course Introduce yourself Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2

  • #32045

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • Autor(a)
    • #39210
      TH Christian

      Hello, my name is Theresa. I’ve always been curious about spirituality. As a young child, I wondered how if there was one creator, why did we have so many religions, and so many different Gods? Lately, I’ve been thinking, If we needed to find our way back to God, shouldn’t there be a way to do it that would not depend on anyone’s belief?

      I came across your videos on YouTube, and the material resonated with me. The more I listened, the more excited I got! I’m really happy to be here learning about the Tree of Life. Thank you to everyone involved in putting this course together. I am grateful to be given this opportunity to learn.

    • #39208
      Yuri Medeiros

      My name is Yuri, I saw some of your videos, and they helped me a lot to resolve conflicts with myself and with others. As I read the Bible and study Kabbalah, I am feeling more and more peace in my life, even when “chaos” occurs.

    • #39203

      My name is Jack, I have watch Tony on Utube since December. I love to learn and have always been curious

      about the spiritual side of Judaisam.


    • #39191

      Hello, my name is Ina. I am here to learn answers to my questions. In the past I have found bits and pieces of answers accidentally. I want to learn more from the teachers that have studied the sources

    • #39185
      Pam Sayne

      Hi – My name is Pamela. I am taking a course through Atlantic University (Assoc. for Research and Enlightenment). We have a brief intro to the major world religions. I found the Zohar and Kabbalah important and unique and wanted to learn more. Then came across this sight on line.

    • #39181

      Hi I am Lenka from California. Some time ago I watched an interview with Dr Laitman and then bought his book Kabbalah for Beginners. I got really interested because what I was learning answered some of my questions and also confirmed my deep persuasion about the meaning/purpose of our life. When I discovered Kab.U I immeditely thought I have to learn more. So I am here

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