Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • #29724

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • Autor(a)
    • #294737
      Bonnie A. Bus

      Hello nice to meet you. Bonnie is my name and I’m interested how Zohar gets unrevealed, if it will let me to comprehend

    • #293835

      I’m Simone from Virginia.  I’m expecting to further my understanding of Kabbalah and get some specifics on the corrections I need to pursue.

    • #293560

      Hello,  I am Diane from the UK.  I am very curious and have a deep desire to know.  I hope to find the answers.

      Thank you

    • #292879

      hello, my name is Robin.  I am mighty glad to be here to learn how to live a full life and enjoy the mysteries of The Zohar.  Thank You Bnei Baruch for making this possible.

    • #292751
      Abbaa Naa’ol

      I am Kebede Mamo from Ethiopia / Oromiya

    • #292485
      Maria Memoli

      Hi Everyone!

      I’m Maria, I’m a Kabbalah student.

      Kabbalah entered into my Life and into my heart in a very unexpected way. It entered in my Life in the exact moment I was feeling the point in the heart. It happened for me so since then I never stopped studying.

      It has been hard for me joining the group because I guess, I thought of myself to not be able to connect with an open heart with others. I “forced” myself to join the group because at the end, that is how this spiritual experience of Kabbalah works.

      I wish this course will give me the tools to connect my whole heart to the Creator, sensing more the presence and the beauty of others around me.

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