Preparation Question: From everything we’ve learned until now, what can we say about our work with the light that reforms? By what means can we strengthen the influence of the reforming light?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 3 Discuss Preparation Question: From everything we’ve learned until now, what can we say about our work with the light that reforms? By what means can we strengthen the influence of the reforming light?

  • #57417

    Preparation Question: How is spreading the wisdom of Kabbalah related to fulfilling my private correction in the general system?

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    • #420092

      by bestowal and applying altruism we may allow the reforming light

    • #419958
      Ka Bubot

      Q:  From everything we’ve learned until now, what can you say about our work with the Light that reforms? By what means can we strengthen the influence of the reforming light?

      A:  I have learned that we need to create a kli as in a group to join and create a bigger desire to receive the Reforming Light. The Creator bestow light to the bigger desires first then the smallest. This is the fastest path to evolve through the Light’s help.


    • #419957
      Ka Bubot

      Q:  How is spreading the wisdom of Kabbalah related to fulfilling my private correction in the general system?

      A:  “Bestowal” is the quality of the Creator that we wish to attain to give pleasure to Him and that can be fulfilled only by correcting ourselves with the help of the Reforming Light that can be attracted only through a conglomeration of desires,  the group. Once we are corrected internally, then it is about time for connection externally to develop our soul. The internal correction will manifest externally that our friends would notice and ask why, what and how; this is the time for dissemination by the means and method of Kabbalah. As Rav Michael Laitman said,” Dissemination equals correction.”

    • #417468

      Revealing the work through your actions; the way I handle a situations. Meaning reacting negatively to an unpleasant situation or seeing the situation as a God sent for me to correct myself.  So, instead of reacting the usual negative way I pause and act in a way to make things better.   This way I am sharing Kaballa by being an example.

    • #417427

      Dissemination is the way we show our connection to the Creator, as well the means to  connecting others to the collective soul.

    • #417408

      Dissemination is a quality of the heart that is not separated from others, out of the ten, for reveling the creator. One can’t fully reveal the creator if we keep the revelation for oneself.

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