Preparation Prompt: Envision a world where individuals are interconnected through the spiritual principle of love. How would societal dilemmas be approached differently in such a paradigm?

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  • #57434

    Preparation Prompt: Envision a world where individuals are interconnected through the spiritual principle of love. How would societal dilemmas be approached differently in such a paradigm?

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    • #339042

      The converter is the work done in the MINYAN, the group of ten.  The Rav says it is up to Israel to correct themselves, to choose to work internally to correct the EGO.  This work, he says, is the means of the redemption of the world.

    • #338950

      The “converter” is the environment. If it’s a nurturing environment things will grow. If not, things will suffer stifled growth, or even die. I liked the real world analogy of growing the tomatoes, from the recommended video.

      If we plant ourselves in an environment that nourishes our spiritual growth we will feel and see the results…not only in our relationships but science has finally caught up to the old sages who have thought (and practiced) that our emotional, mental and spiritual outlook on life greatly affects our physical health. ‘

      When we work to develop, nurture and grow our connection with others, we treat each other more with love and appreciation which can impact how we treat our physical environment as well. There’s more harmony and all around balance, inside and outside ourselves.

    • #338828

      Our physical world become a spiritual world through our connection and attracting the upper force or the light. The converter that transforms the physical into the spiritual is the intention.

    • #337913

      Nature surrounds us. All of the creatures (which include us) are part of our physical world.  Everything exists within the laws of nature.  We were created to be spiritual beings. If we are aware, there should be no sense of separation in our minds and hearts, from the physical and the spiritual worlds.

    • #336431

      The connection between the “friends” (the Points in the Hearts) in the kabbalistic Group.

      As Rav  Dr. Laitman explains “….the Creator fills the connection among our souls with Himself.”

      I affect everyone in my group, and everyone in my group affects me. Having altruistic intentions of love, bestowal, unity and connection among us leads to our beginning to feel and reveal the Creator.

    • #336374

      Our world can become a spiritual world if we all or at least a large enough portion of humanity is transforming themselfs from egoistic to altruistic creatures and that all those people with the same goal and desire connect to eachother to become a strong force which transforms our materialistic world into a spiritual world

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