Reflect and Discuss: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or gave you a new perspective; or discuss the lesson materials with your fellow students.

Inicio Foros Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah – videos Reflect and Discuss: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or gave you a new perspective; or discuss the lesson materials with your fellow students.

  • #31535

    Reflect and Discuss: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or gave you a new perspective; or discuss the lesson materials with your fellow students.

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    • #378457

      Kaballah speaks only of the spiritual world.

      Our senses limit us to understand the material world only.

      Which means our traditional way of thinking can not comprehend it.

    • #338278

      Well, that’s actually what I search for, to go beyond everything what I learned before, for that might offer me a more capable access to my own spiritual sources to use for my purpose and for the purpose of those I choose to share myself spiritually. And that would be very good for me, to find a clear path of spirituality that’s more based on my personal growth and less on other opinions and explanations that always make me feel co-dependent,  what other might think or expect to hear or get known about me.

    • #317846

      You can’t deny that Kabbalah has a lot of similarities with the teachings of freemasonry and some eastern traditions. So, who borrowed from who?

    • #317392
      Carlos Pombo

      One insight for me: I realised most physics and history books that were preached to me were only focused on studying shattered consequences from mankind or the universe, but very few of them trying to reach the very underlying force or rule that precedes everything, that’s where Kabbalah comes to fulfill my need.

    • #315795
      zach morris4187

      Freemasonry and kabbalah are not related according to the Bnei Baruch tradition?  Could someone reach out and expand on this statement from the 2nd video please?

    • #314877

      I didn’t realise that this wasn’t a divination system

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