Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #301021
      Purity K

      Learning to see the internality of the person and not the externality.

    • #298948

      I grew up in a Christian home and I have an attraction to metaphors. The one I’ve been contemplating on recently is the idea of a waterwheel that turns a millstone. To be like the waterwheel, receiving from the water the force to turn, which makes me (The waterwheel) feel like I’m doing as I should. And as the water flows through me, I help turn the millstone that produces the force to grind wheat into flour, which in turn gives the next the ability to turn that flour into bread. It’s kind of silly I admit, but its been helping me conceptualize the idea of being a force that takes in order to give.

    • #296132
      Bonnie A. Bus

      I wonder if I will be able to have the insight to help or to pray for the other, if I’m not seeing what’s the real desire of the groupsmember. I have no skills. And I didn’t study psychology. Would it be wise to continue?
      indeed I like the way of humbleness of the story of the humble Rabbi

    • #295820

      I have finally understood the reason for prayer. There were so many times in my life when I was sad because my prayers were not answered TO ME. Now I understand that I must pray to be more like the Creator and be selfless and help others to be blessed. That makes a lot of sense.

    • #287264

      If you carry a positive vibration people will be pulled toward you.

    • #286343

      Todo el funcionamiento del minyan es asombroso en cuanto a lo que se puede lograr en él, la capacidad para atraer la luz que reforma, amplificar la intención y el deseo y alcanzar  la transformación que lograron Rav Simón bar yohai y sus compañeros.  Aún no lo entiendo del todo en su mecanica, pero espero lograrlo en el LAB. Gracias a todos quienes nos acompañan y guían en este proceso.

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