Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Inicio Foros Course Forums Kabbalah in Action Week 5 Discuss Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #361577

      In video 5.1 Julian said that leadership is service. This is something I will remember. In this world, he who is served is the leader. In the spiritual world, the complete opposite is true. So serving is living in the spiritual world. This is so straightforward, so simple, so Kabbalah, so mind blowing.

    • #359955

      Greeks took ideas from Kabbalah and now there are the big thinkers. But at the end, the truth will come out and reveal that Kabbalah was first…..

      Thank you.

    • #338861

      I believe in the recommend reading of Week 4, there was a page that spoke about how the study of Kabbalah can reform ones corporeal desires to a state of correction. I personally needed that so badly.
      Before reading that, I thought and believed that staying away from feeding ones desire by force may starve the desire to death and therefore eliminate a desire within me that is not serving my will to bestow & is causing distance between me & the upper force.

      I’m thankful for knowing there is a better way than suffering in hope of change. I hope I can study my way to correction.

    • #337525

      A couple things I found interesting, intriguing – kabbahlists don’t live separate from the world, they are ‘in it.’ They make a point of interacting with people who don’t study kabbalah. I was once in a religious cult that taught ‘one should live in the world, but separate from it.’ The kabbahlah concept makes so much more sense when you consider our true interconnection. The other thing I found interesting was the video on depression – the spiritual consequences of not having an inner belief system. Of course there are things that can cause depression that need medical intervention, but it was great to me to see that kabbalah realizes this connection.

    • #334150

      Thank you for teaching. Your personality and clarity of words are very much appreciated!

    • #333863

      Something that has been mentioned many times I am sure. It sat in my intellectual storehouse and sort of remained in the don’t let it out cupboard. It is now out and seems so simple that I am almost embarrassed to share it. The fact that all of reality is internal to me, a projection of the perception I see through my five senses. That the correction of my internal intentions has such a profound effect of so many aspects of life.

      • #336337

        It may seem simple to you now, Martin, but I doubt its at all obvious to 99% of the population. !   And – doesnt it make you think ? !  I mean, how can this be, and what can we DO with this amazing bit of knowing ?

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