Reflect: Share a revelation from the session that stimulated your imagination or offered a fresh perspective.

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  • #57439

    Reflect: Share a revelation from the session that stimulated your imagination or offered a fresh perspective.

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  • Autor(a)
    • #428358
      Katrina Leeks

      The last lesson fully clarified my past experience and helped me find the necessary internal guideposts for future work. Thank you. I know the Creator brought me here because I need you all to do my part. I’m extremely grateful for the work everyone does at KabU and for the students as well!

    • #422545

      I really am starting to understand the more practical aspects of kabbalah and that we have to connect with the ten in order to progress spiritually.

    • #421924
      Ka Bubot

      Piece by piece we create the building blocks for us not just to have new perspective in spirituality and our part in it but it involves us to participate not just like a bystander or onlooker but to feel and sense within ourselves the essence of all the subjects we have taken. “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” The feeling is actually sensational and profound as if you found something indescribable leaving you so excited and wanting more to share.

    • #411844

      The power of the group to create the creator

    • #401722

      There are so many things in all this course, so anyways, the picture of the two forces (push and pull), the right and left side of the path, and the idea to start growing within a group caught me… so I am happy to get to a practical level.

    • #385418

      The answered questions, I appreciated those. Very clarifying, thank you.

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