Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28809

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • Autor(a)
    • #321445

      VERY interesting finding out a way of interacting with the Still Upper Force!

    • #318978
      Melissa Lucero

      That we are already connecting with others who have a desire to develop the point in the the Heart, by just being in this course and sharing on this forum.  ♥️

    • #316479

      My revelation is the notion of a surrounding light that I interact with — a light that responds to me. In conjunction with that,  recently heard that:

      In a vacuum tube photons were seen to be random, but after taking a pristine strand of DNA from an umbilical cord and placed it in the tube with the photons, they discovered that the photons aligned themselves with the DNA. An order immediately formed. The photons aligned themselves with the double helix structure of the DNA. I.e. The stuff we are made of influenced the photons, our surrounding light.

      Source: Vacuum DNA Phantom  Effect In Vitro Gariaev and Poponin 1995

    • #316416

      For myself as well, there are many new concepts and I devour them all. As I learn each concepts, I find it easy to relate them to various personal life events. I agree that the Supreme delight felt from spiritual ascent eclipses all others.

      Similar to another student’s question, I would also like to know if gratitude would be a means of acknowledging and therefore pleasing and giving back to the creator.

      In the 2nd video, a quote from Rav Leitman mentioned that the body is a means for spiritual advancement otherwise it is of no interest.  Does this mean that disincarnated persons continue to evolve? Because I pray that my beloved mom evolves as well towards an ever greater spiritual light.


    • #316377

      I notice that this section has been quiet for the last few months.  I m wondering if others are feeling  overwhelmed, as I am?  This material is very different from anything I ve done before, and the mind has to re-jig to think in a different way, and then, hopefully to translate that into feeling the world differently, to include a new relationship with the Creator. For starters!

      I feel as if it s similar to learning to drive a car – when everything is happening all at once.  Only this time, once I can drive a car, there will be learning to drive a plane, & then I suspect, take off in a rocket!

      However, I also feel that there is something unique in all of this, and that I m very priviledged to have found my way here.  May it all be revealed, in its own good time.

    • #310740

      Beginning to feel others outside of me as within me and All as Shekinah  becoming One with Creator ❤️

      Beautiful! What beauty in All Life! And even though I am shown the Left Line I am grateful and know I will feel the Right Line again soon and the Spiral Dance will continue!

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