Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28795

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #386729

      Most of religion speak about purifying the mind and heart, purifying desires, on one hand, and emphasize the importance of love, compassion, caring, giving and forgiving on the other hand. What blew my mind is how kabbalah teaches in a very clear and practical way what is the join between those two aspects of spiritual life by correcting the intention of our desires.

    • #385424

      I really liked the videos on the perception of „reality“… and also the clip with the gorilla test; the metaphor with the red apple; the clip on how people reacted when receiving a cochlear implant. Thinking about how selective our senses and brain work, thinking about that programming to select for „whatś in it for us“ , for our egoism, makes me feel rather humble, for I feel itś very obvious thatś whatś leading most people on most of the time. And it feels inspiring to get knowledge about other ways.

      Also, I am very thankful that all the material is shared here, and impressed by the way it has been edited, to help understand the underlying principles. While I find the recommended reading needs really time and makes me still feel like there is a bit of a link to religion (not that I would mind, itś just that I am getting that this is not what the teaching is about), I find the explanations in the videos are more relating to everyday experiences or modern science, so I really feel itś helpful to go through both and connect the information. I really feel very touched by the experience.

      • This reply was modified hace 7 meses by Verena.
    • #381839

      I found it fascinating that you can only attain the 6th sense through intention. You can not study it or intellectually move up to it. It is all in the heart. You have to yearn for it like the servant in The Garden of Yearning, the lost princess. (Rabbi Arush).

      It reminded me of The Beast who could not regain his human form unless he truly learned the essence of caring for another. Pretending by doing the right actions did not work. He could not fool his way out. He had to have the right intention.

      I even wonder if I will be able to know my own heart. Am I truly yearning? Or am I deeply curious about this unknown (to me) realm? “The heart is deceitful above all things, who can know it? (Jeremiah…. ?)

    • #381694

      First of all, I have been enjoying reading all the other replies. What struck me from the lesson is how distance is measured totally differently in the spiritual worlds. Since there is no time and no space, distance is purely a matter of similarity of forms. And to have the same form with the Creator is to actually just be one with Him!

    • #381558
      Renata Klem

      It is very difficult to understand rationally that what we see on the outside is not real because this is what we have always thought it to be. I think this is why many people do not accept the existence of something more real that we cannot see with our eyes in our current state.

    • #376996
      Deborah Joplin

      I have at times felt or seen what I perceived as the creator in other people. I see this when I responded to an impulse to give to a person that I do not know. I see in a random homeless person what looked like the shining blue eyes of God himself looking back at me, or received a hug that felt like the embrace of God. In the New Testament, The Messiah says “As you have done unto the least of my people, you have done unto me.” The feelings or perceptions of God’s presence in these random people always elicits phenomenal emotional and spiritual responses in me.

      This week, I have understood that these were the beginnings of what it is like to clothe the will to receive with the intention to bestow — glimpses of the unity with the Creator that I have been seeking since early childhood. The point in my heart has been driving me toward the Wisdom of Kabbalah through many contacts with it throughout the course of this life. I have been seeking the unity of souls that the Apostle Paul adhered his teaching toward, but have never been able to feel the desire fulfilled fully in any of the communities I have served in. I am a teacher by passion, and thus have loved attaining and bestowing knowledge much more than my students enjoy receiving it. I am so overjoyed to be finally receiving this wisdom including the idea of  one shattered soul that longs to return to unity with the Creator. I am working to absorb this. Thank you to all of you for the bestowal!

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