Thought exercise: Let’s help each other imagine the kind of environment we would like to live in. Share your ideas.

Inicio Foros Course Forums Crossroads Film Course #5: WHO DO WE CHOOSE TO BE? Thought exercise: Let’s help each other imagine the kind of environment we would like to live in. Share your ideas.

  • #28680


    Thought exercise: Let’s help each other imagine the kind of environment we would like to live in. Share your ideas.

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  • Autor(a)
    • #419087

      Equality, respect, love, understanding, help, compassion, empathy, joy, peace and fulfillment for each of us and together as one ❤️

    • #367518
      Lu Lu

      Where we live and grow our own food as a community and share. Where we create a village to help educate the new generation on empathy sharing and caring for one another. Help them get in tune with the point in their heart.  Have more games with families and spend more time enjoying nature. We need to create the newer generations to live as nature intended us to live.

    • #359777

      An environment where we are safe & use powers to create novel forms of solutions in an ecosystem that treats forces with respect and utilizes them with purpose to uplift all creation and create beautiful stories of collabs for the Creator

    • #315749
      Rune T. A.

      Let’s asume that we are all interested in knowing why there is a universe, and why we get to experience it and our selves. Asume that we all want to know how and why it is, that we can experience and observe our thoughts, emotions and physical sensations. Asume that all of us wants it enough to make it the goal of our society, the reason for having a society. Let’s asume that all of us wants to feel safe, to feel at peace with Creation and at peace with eachother. Let’s asume that we all want to not be worried wether we go hungry to morrow or worry where to sleep to night. Let’s asume that we all want to feel and know that a helping hand is always nearby and ready to assist. Then we could organize our selves in such a manner that we each work for the bennefit of the whole of Creation. We could agree that technology must serve, meaning apply technology only where necessary (aid dissability, do the heavy lifting, etc.) and not so much for convenience. We could agree that education should be about the understanding of Nature and our part in it, about learning how to grow crops, build houses, make clothing, purify water and other skills necessary to sustain our lives, and about the human experience and condition. We could make it so that we have time and resources to engage in spiritual advancement. So that spiritual thinking (care for the whole of Creation, deeper intention for our actions) permeates throughout every aspect of our interactions with everyone and everything. Make it our nature to give and receive in equal amount. Balance our feeling of responsibility with our feeling of entitlement. Each should contribute as much as their abillity alows and do it voluntary. This is no easy task, nor is it a small one. But it is the one I wish and hope for…

    • #306121
      Purity K

      I would like to live in an environment where we all care for one another as members of a single system.

    • #295240
      Adelina Santos

      I would like to live in a society that cares for everyone, that have love for their neighbors, to be in harony with nature.

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