What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

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  • Autor(a)
    • #219232
      Gelaye Gudisa

      The reality in this world is not real, it is based on our vessel.

    • #219187
      Maria Memoli

      I discovered how pure Love is.

      Love for everyone around me.

    • #191091
      Theresa H

      The process and meaning of our self ego and how to change our perception of reality to look at the bigger picture of humanity’s purpose as a whole. How each individuals life is a lens with a purpose to the creator and each of us are learning and growing.

      • #219954
        Gelaye Gudisa

        Can we truly love someone when we are still selfish or egoistic?

    • #190969

      The central idea of correcting our desires to receive. Also, the prophecies, which I firmly believe, that everyone will know God while living on Earth some time in the future, are something for us all to work towards. As a Christian, I always thought Messiah would sort all the mess out, but now I’m seeing that our Creator wants us to sort things out at our individual intentional level, which will lead to mass awakening of populations all over the world.

    • #190308

      The Kabbalah idea of prayer is similar to the Christian idea:. To align oneself with the Creator’s attitude.


      I am curious about the statement, “Intention is the only action.”

      • #287096

        Is a state of being. We are human BEINGS, not human DOINGS, but we forgot.

    • #188263

      Something new I discovered in Kabbalah is that my progress in the method of the Kabbalah is through my friends, a group. I depend on them and they depend on me.

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