When was the first time you sensed existential questions within you, and what did it take for you to listen to their call?

Inicio Foros Course Forums The Science of Human Emergence A Point from the Emergent State When was the first time you sensed existential questions within you, and what did it take for you to listen to their call?

  • #33206

    Gil Shir

    When was the first time you sensed existential questions within you, and what did it take for you to listen to their call?

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    • #322661

      For myself, since childhood as well, though I didn’t know how to express it to others and kept it all inside me, as my own private world. As an adolescent, it occurred to me there could be answers in books, though I didn’t know there where more than the psychology books that surrounded me then. And psychology didn’t answer my existential questions, since it mostly deals with our egos, and searching the ego and the subconscious is endless and bottomless. I had a spiritually transformative experience in my mid 20’s that started me on my spiritual venture which I have been on ever since.

    • #320717

      I’ve asked what life was all about since I was a small child coping with a dysfunctional family.  I’ve spent a lifetime searching.

    • #314690
      Jack Brenon

      Everyone asks this question as a child.  Spend the rest of their lives looking for an answer in so many places.  I am still searching.

    • #314664
      Seeker of Wisdom

      As a child I knew there was more to reality than the mundane vicious circle everyone was on. It took me years of searching what the world called wisdom to arrive at some form of realization. I tried answering the call several times, but it was almost as if I had the wrong code for what I was sensing and was so eager to move toward.

    • #307947

      I felt it as a child, and it has taken all of my 63 years to get here.  I’ve always felt the spiritual world but had no knowledge of how to connect with it and the Creator.  It’s just recent that I began to study Kabbalah.

    • #306295
      Brian Sachs

      When I was little I had questions about what happens when we die. I was freaking out, having nightmares and finally asked my mom. She told me to think about where I was before I was born and this appeased me. Around the same time I had a meltdown at the Oyster Festival. Everything was grey and meaningless, I remember saying I didn’t want to go home and I didn’t want to stay there. My mom bought me a turtle thing and it calmed me down.
      Along the way I doubted everything, I would have to figure it all out. It wasn’t until I found a teacher (Rav) that I heard a message my heart could accept.

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