A student will almost always decide to stop studying, precisely when the study reaches the topic of this lesson – because of the part of the soul it relates to. What will be your motivation to persevere?

Inicio Foros Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 10. Nekudot de SAG A student will almost always decide to stop studying, precisely when the study reaches the topic of this lesson – because of the part of the soul it relates to. What will be your motivation to persevere?

  • #55419

    A student will almost always decide to stop studying, precisely when the study reaches the topic of this lesson – because of the part of the soul it relates to. What will be your motivation to persevere?

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  • Autor(a)
    • #386216
      Edward Onyango

      That I will attain the goal… even if it makes no sense now.

    • #384686
      Assana Colubali

      To find out more and  more about the Creator’s light.

    • #381634
      Ronny Cervantes

      My only motivation is the Creator. To understand the Creator. To become one with the Creator every day. To learn his wisdom and enjoy his creation for us. If it wasn’t for the Creator, I would not want to get up early in the morning. If it wasn’t for the Creator I would not be part of this beautiful knowledge sharing. My path has lead me here and I cannot stop now. I must continue down the road.

    • #381245
      Frank Shongwe

      the ultimate goal shall be my motivation

    • #381188

      Why stop studying?
      Will miss my goal to reveal the creator. Am curious to know gematria of My name.
      Am wanting to know if I can’t say the name of the creator aloud. Can we meditate on it in heart, or in whispers?

    • #375242

      This statement makes me curious to know what’s in the next topic of the lesson.

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