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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

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    • #315320
      mrc s

      Why is there poor people and sinners, why God make me low, I want to be successful and at least middle class

      • #315371

        hey mrc,

        The Creator doesn’t consider the “bodies” the same way we do. What we call “life” is not what the Creator considers life. He wants to provide true life, and we want an imaginary life. Successful in His eyes are His created beings demanding correction and not a better life in this world.

        I understand you though.


    • #315319
      mrc s

      Is it okay to blame the Creator, is all my problem my fault?

      • #315370

        Hey mrc,

        Blaming the Creator is better than blaming yourself. At least there you understand it was from Him and not from you!


    • #315317
      Adelina Santos


      In the Zohar for all book ítem 42. “The key is hidden in a hall.” Supposely is in the AHP of Bina AVI or in Yeshut?

      Thank you


      • #315369

        Hey Adelina,

        Usually “key” is Yesod and “hall” is Malchut.


        • #315428
          Adelina Santos

          So is Malchut when it ascends to NE, is also called Hall and also Lock?


        • #315430

          There a are many names for Malchut depending on where it is and what it’s doing.

    • #315311
      mrc s

      What’s the benefit of blaming ourselves about our problems, sometimes I can’t blame myself coz maybe it’s hard or afraid I might damage myself, can you give tips thx

      • #315312

        Hi Mrc,

        There is no benefit. In fact, this may be another form of egoistic fulfillment.

        Regarding the past, we should believe that There Is None Else Besides Him. Whatever happened up to this point was how it had to happen. It’s also written, go to the craftsman who made me. Meaning, all that we are including our thoughts and desires, strengths and flaws, was created by the Creator. So we only have to turn to Him and ask for change.

        But we are not talking about corporeal problems here. The request should be for correction. I want to be like the Creator, more bestowal, more loving, and I need His help to make this desire a reality.

        So we shouldn’t delve too deeply into our problems. Rather, we want to concern ourselves with the right problem, the spiritual problem. And with this solution, all our problems will be solved.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #315307

      Are we doing a mini flipped version to build our soul of what the creator did to build creation?

      • #315308

        Hi Todd,

        It’s written by Baal HaSulam that the soul descended 125 degrees until it reached our world. Our path is to climb those same 125 degrees, reconnecting the broken pieces of our soul, and reach adhesion with the Creator, thus attaining the abundance intended for us.

        All in all, the only thing that was created was the desire to receive. The spiritual worlds we learn about are a result of that process of creation of the soul, its breaking, and ultimate reconnection.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #315218
      humehr garivani

      I get energy when I pray for others.
      But when I give energy to others or think of them with love, I lose energy.
      And I get weak and tired.
      What is the benefit of giving energy to others or loving others? (except for a momentary pleasure)

      • #315242

        Hi Humehr,

        It’s written from love of the created beings to love of the Creator. Loving others is the means by which we reach the purpose of creation, being adhesion with the Creator. Specifically this, adhesion with the Creator, is the greatest pleasure we can feel, and the only one that does not disappear.

        If I feel some pleasure from my efforts to love others, and then it disappears, it is a sign that my efforts are still incomplete. In order to carry out love of others on a level necessary to attain the Creator, it requires support from an environment that will fill one with importance and strength to continue, even when loving others feels exhausting or against my desire.

        It should also be stated that nothing ever disappears in spirituality. All is kept, and once a person fully corrects their intention to be in order to bestow, they will receive everything they have earned all at once.

        Joseph – KabU

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