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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

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    • #310381
      mrc s

      Can a female be wicked and foolish.? I don’t know 😅

    • #310333

      In reference to Baal HaSulam’s There Is None Else Beside Him, what is the meaning of Torah and Mitzvot ?

      • #310397

        Hey Juliana,

        This refers to the actions (Mitvot) of undergoing the correction and the force that corrects (Torah). All the corrections are only desires that are undergoing the change of intention from “in order to receive” to “in order to bestow” and have nothing to do with physical symbols or actions made in this world.



    • #310297
      Juan Londono

      I have a good friend that recently passed away from a complication during surgery…  I’ve been trying to make sense of this…  It seems completely unfair, he left behind a young daughter and wife.  Why does nature/creator take away our loved ones in such seemingly unfair ways..  He died at 46 and was a good husband and father with a happy and good life.  Does kabbalah say anything about this?  Thank you

      • #310396

        Hey Juan,

        Yeah, this is hard. Even if we’re told the Creator is Good that does good, we can’t rationalize that since from our perspective – pain is pain.

        But from the perspective of the whole of nature, the entire process of developing a creature to become like the Creator, it has to undergo many impressions and sensations. Most of these sensations in the beginning are ones that are uncomfortable but they all come to bring us closer to the goal, whether we understand it/feel it or not – it’s part of us “growing up”.

        Nonetheless, the ego suffers when pleasures are taken from it. The Creator suffers when the created being is still trapped in the perception of “in order to receive”. We ultimately have no control over the direction of our development, but we can begin to align ourselves with that goal and flow with it, agree with it and ultimately become partners.

        I’m sorry for your loss. Best of luck, friend.


    • #310202
      mrc s

      Should I judge others as more righteous than me? It seems true because if so than who am I to criticize others as I am no better.? Or just on worldly matters?

      • #310204

        Hey mrc,

        Eventually that will be a tool you use, but it needs to be towards the right people. Anyone who has no idea and no care to reveal the Creator in their life, in this world, is what the Creator wants us to see and any of the flaws are only flaws in our perception. In your ego, you’ll always be making these “comparisons”. You can add the additional thought that you know it’s from the Creator, making you feel whatever you currently feel which is perfectly tailored for you to feel at that exact moment which is exactly what you needed to move onto your next form. Therefore, the intention behind it is good, and if I feel bad then this is a place that needs correction. How you correct it and the steps for that is the real practical wisdom of Kabbalah.

        We don’t understand how non-equivalence of form with that force is what brings us sorrow, but slowly we are changed from within until we reach the first revelation and eventually complete correction of that perception in our minds and hearts. All of that happens on the inside. What others see on the outside should just be another functioning, normal human being. Don’t bring the wisdom into that realm. There’s nothing to change out there and that’s not the environment for spiritual growth. A person is where his heart is, where his thoughts are – if the trend isn’t towards spiritual correction, it’s kind of a waste of time. Even though that deviation would also be according to the plan. I think you understand how this wisdom, on one hand, disorients you entirely and on the other hand, gives you the tools to orient yourself yet on a higher level each time.

        Best of luck,


    • #310165
      William Taylor

      Are we the Watchers? because the kabbala says we have fallen from him to this plain of reality and are locked hear untill we remeber our master?

      • #310203

        Hey William,

        I’m actually not sure what you mean by “Watchers” but Kabbalah explains how the growth of the ego, and the separation from one another – the perception of the common soul – was intentional in order for us, of our own desire, to want to find what’s really lacking in us and return to our true form.



    • #308803
      mrc s

      Is the will to receive the physical body?

      • #308906

        Hey mrc,

        “Body” is the word used by Kabbalist to describe the will to receive. We feel our body as ours because it’s that same desire but our physical body is not what we are correcting. We are correcting spiritual desires that are in contrast to the ego.


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