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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

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    • #50946
      Ty Palodichuk

      Humans are not like a virus. The ego is the virus. We are not the ego. So correcting and regulating the ego can bring man into balance with nature. Would you Agree?

      • #51148


    • #50486
      Ty Palodichuk

      Rav laitman once said you can stain your soul in a life that you can’t reach attainment. I’m concerned that I have done this with past mistakes. If this is so what is the point of keeping this life and not just changing shirts?

      • #51147

        There are no mistakes only corrections that lead a person closer to the general force of Nature. I think you might have misunderstood Dr. Laitman, if you can link to the source you are referring to that would enable me to respond to that.

    • #50426
      Ty Palodichuk

      Hey Gil. Thank you for teaching me the last year. I’m very grateful for the opportunity to study authentic Kabbalah. My question is how to acquire the key to attainment?

      • #50429

        Hi Ty,

        that IS the key question isn’t it 🙂

        The answer – simple. Plant your spiritual point in a nurturing spiritual environment and it will GROW.

        • #50433
          Ty Palodichuk

          Would you say living with negative people is an opportunity to grow spiritually?

        • #50437

          The spiritual environment is something you can connected to from any external circumstances.

          If you would like to ask further on this, I recommend you join the KabU Zoom session on Sunday and you can ask live.

    • #49790

      Ok, I will ask anything.

      I wanted to share a picture in my mind and ask is this concept correct and if it’s correct than it would help other as well if it’s wrong than of course I would like to understand necessary changes.

      I have been listening for many materials and questions from other brothers and sisters who try to learn Kabbalah and what I have noticed we all ask many question about our cell in this picture. How can we make our cell better? Why we got problems in our cell? Why ones cell is better than other’s cell? Will Kabbalah make my cell better? Will with help of Kabbalah I won’t have problems in my cell? Can I have little bit of Light in my cell? Or maybe I can switch of that ray of Light in my cell? So that everything goes back as it was before? Can I make my cell bigger? Describe me please what is outside of cell? I have never seen outside of cell – why should it be better than a cell? Yes cell has it’s downsides but that is all I know. And many other questions.

      • #50431

        That is a good picture. You will keep changing and so will the picture.

        • #51073

          That is true. I doubt that it’s even possible to draw 2D picture that would represent true situation. Maybe 3D motion picture would be more helpful.

          Yes, ray of Light is not always there. Actually point in heart is inside of that dark cell and knows that there is such Light outside of dark cell. Once Light approaches dark cell closer One in a cell would feel pain, the closer Light gets the more pain One would feel. One would fight with all possible measures has in that dark cell but Light won’t go away outside of cell it will get closer and closer and pain will grow till one gives up. Simply because nothing done before didn’t helped One to get away from pain. And then dark cell lets in Light. It lifts one above all pain felt in dark cell. After that Light goes away again and one founds himself back in dark cell only now with bigger dark cell walls, those walls gets bigger and cell gets wider and it’s more harder for Light to get in. But after that One will try to regain Light as nothing compares to that. In one hand you have choice to watch TV, play games, buy things, etc. but you know even before starting those activities that it won’t ever be compared to the Light. That is when Kabbalah comes in, in what way could one learn to receive Light. Also at state of Light One feels joy in everything doing at that time. It can be anything. Doesn’t matter, repairing house, driving car, etc. After that one understands than no vacation on any island never ever will make one happy. It doesn’t matter. So it’s not rational to invest anything in other activities more than necessary to sustain normal life and rest of time invest in learning how to receive Light. Only it’s not easy. Many times it’s not possible to sit for few minutes at some Kabbalistic materials. But what other option are there after that? Nothing.

          I would be interested in seeing more people exchanging their thoughts and experiences in forum. See how their journey started and where they are now, what lessons have learned. There is of course risk than some would start to learn something that is not in line with Kabbalistic texts. And of course our ego plays games with us thinking that we are now smarter than other and that is a trap for us. But in same time I think that there should be some kind of exchange outside those meetings have with teachers in this forum. Forum should be more lively.

    • #46656
      Voldsom Kraft

      I was desiring and a thought came to me. If Adam and Chava are forces of nature and spiritual forces… Does Chava have something to do with Mitochondria or more specifically Mitochondrial DNA? If so then what is Adam?

    • #43708

      What will happend with the others classes that I take before?

      • #43711

        HI Yaneth,

        Not sure I understand your question.

        • #45125

          Dear Gil L’Chaim my question was for Lucian because I request to change the YG and was asking what will happened to the others courses that had taking already with the new platform sorry for the miss understanding🤍🤍🤍

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