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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

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    • #372500
      mrc s

      In our world is it better to experience success/happiness first and then taken away after that experience it again or not experiencing downfall altogether?

    • #372084
      mrc s

      What is humanity’s greatest power: reason, our body, desires or?

      • #372169

        I wouldn’t say humanity has a power. They’re at the “top” in creation which points to their purpose in the system. They’re special because they have a destiny they must become conscious of and realize it.

        • #372203

          Hi Chris

          How does one go about getting a teacher? Or at least meet with one?


    • #372083
      mrc s

      Is judging others favorably means thinking they already enter spirituality or more common sense they only doing good to feel good?

      • #372168

        Judging them favorably can be a few things in different context. If you’re talking about those on the street that don’t study with you, then you have to judge them from the perspective of them being completely controlled and operated from above, having no free will to exercise. If that’s the case, who is there to judge besides the Creator Himself?

        If you’re talking about someone on the path with you, then “judging favorably” means you need to be included in them, you need their spiritual strength and you cannot receive it from them if you see them as less.

        • #372354

          What do you mean to be included in them? and also, to be included in what? How can we practically implement this?

    • #372082
      mrc s

      It seems unfair that g-d is infinite in happiness that he can bestow, why not he show his love by suffering like humans to bestow

      • #372165

        Also, it is explained in Midrash Rabbah (Beresheet_ Chapter 8), “The ministering angels said to the Creator, ‘‘What is man that you should remember him, and the son of man that you should care for him?’ Why do You need this trouble?’ There is an allegory about a king who had a tower filled with abundance but no guests. What pleasure does the king have? They said to Him, ‘Master of the world, do that which pleases You.’”

        This explains that the reason for man’s creation was that the Creator wanted to do good to them. This is why He created the creatures, and it is about this that they asked, If the purpose is to do good, why are the creatures suffering torments and sorrow and are not receiving the delight and pleasure that the Creator wishes to give them?

        The Zohar explains, “He who eats that which is not his is afraid to look at his face.” That is, in every free gift there is the flaw of shame.

        In order not to have the bread of shame, meaning that for the Creator’s gift to be complete and without any flaw, He has given us a place of work, which is called “the work of choice.” Through it, we can receive all our abundance from the Creator without any shame.

        Rabash: 159. The Need and Importance of Teaching Faith

    • #371979
      mrc s

      If the creator is evil should we feel bad or happy (just a thought)

      • #372163

        The Creator does only good. “Evil” is what was created as our nature, to be opposite Him–to want to receive for ourselves.

    • #371978
      mrc s

      If someone (my shadow) offend me should I feel bad or happy?

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