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  • #33838


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    • #333097
      mrc s

      In a book it said that sefer yetzirah, the bahir and the zohar is more advanced than the hekhalot, so their authors is more advanced than Akiba ben Joseph?

      • #333192

        Hi mrc,

        I’m not sure what you mean by “more advanced” but Kabbalists tell us the power within the books of Zohar, that it was written for our generation to aid in our correction.


    • #333083
      mrc s

      Is even Satan I should not recompense cause it’s my fault?

      • #333191

        Hey mrc,

        Never forget that there is “None Else Besides Him”. Even if you “made a mistake” this was certainly done from above. This is how we have to approach reality. He provides room for us to work, where He is in concealment, in order for us to consciously make efforts to “build” His quality without Him spoiling it by revealing Himself before we’re ready.


    • #333015

      where do i read the sulam commentary?  i read online it is in like multiple volumes.. has it been translated?  i can’t find it anywhere.

    • #333014
      mrc s

      Is it better to oscilate between running and returning in Binah or not use Binah altogether?

    • #333013
      mrc s

      Is maaseh merkavah malkuth ascent to hochma and maaseh bereeshit to keter?

      • #333072

        Sorry mrc, I’m not familiar with that interpretation. I understand that Maase Bereshit are texts about the creation of the world–the whole creation, and its system where Maase Merkava are texts that tell about the work of governance of the systems of this world.

        • #333098
          mrc s


    • #333012
      mrc s

      Does G-d two beings: He and His Creation?

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