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    • #360052

      From Shamati 26:

      ‘Thus, if one knows his lowliness, that he is not more privileged than his contemporaries, meaning he sees that there are many people in the world who were not given the strength to do the holy work even in the simplest way, even without the intention and in Lo Lishma [not for Her sake], even in Lo Lishma of Lo Lishma, and even in preparation for the preparation of the clothing of Kedusha [holiness], while he was imparted the desire and thought to at least occasionally do holy work, even in the simplest possible way, if one can appreciate the importance of this, according to the importance one attributes to the holy work, to that extent he should give praise and thanks for it.’

      It says that he is not more privileged, but it seems to say at the same time that he is.. Could you please explain this?

      • #360190

        He needs to locate in what is he special? Not in that he himself is great – as a person is inclined to feel due to the true inner uniqueness of each one – but rather that he’s received a special awakening. It can and will be taken away if he doesn’t appreciate it actively.

        • #360400

          Thank you so much

    • #360015

      Dear KabU Team,

      My question is, I can attribute a lot to my ego such as greed, anger, pride, materialism, obsession, hate, jealousy, getting-ahead and so on.  All these failings are in the ego, I see that.

      But, there is another something in man which is pure evil and not seated in the ego as it is 100% evil including his ability for murder, rape, war crimes, torture and these atrocious things which are not in the ego.  It is as if one’s ego is the tame little brother to this ability for unspeakable evil, if you follow.

      There is never any reference to this 100% evil  in man the nearest we get are the 2 angels  ‘the good and the bad’. I want to know does Kabbalah group together all the above listed as from the ego and include man’s pure evil as I am confused on this issue?

      Image one: characterizing the work of the ego

      Image two: characterizing the work of something much more sinister [100% evil]

      • #360188

        The world and everything you see in it is your subconscious.

        • #360197

          Can you expand on this a bit please.  Subconscious is not a term i have come across within the remit of Kabbalah?
          Thanks so much.  Lyndon S.

        • #360471

          Subconscious is not a Kabbalistic term, but borrowed from psychology. But it’s all the desires that I’m not aware of in me. They appear to me like that, in the world before me.

        • #360620

          So then, I have a subconscious  desire or link with all these atrocities and vilenesses in the world and as such they lay potential in me?
          If so:

          I could do all of it too and,

          I am responsible as the next man regarding this in the world and,

          I can’t insulate myself from this world as i could descend to such depravity


        • #360622

          It’s even more than that. We’re in a world of intentions. I see them as actions and I believe erroneously that what’s occurring in my perception is the really important thing. But what goes on inside, the intentions, are what’s important. What appears outwardly, Kabbalah is not even talking about because that’s the result, about which there’s nothing that can be done. Meaning we can do many things about it, however absolutely nothing will ever change because we didn’t do anything about the intentions that gave rise to it all. Thus, I see the ensemble of intentions brewing within me so that I’d have an opportunity to feel what I still need to correct, starting with the easiest, and gradually moving to the coarser vessels. The ones I can work with first are in the Kabbalistic group.

    • #359897

      Is the gate of tears neccesarily something i feel as sadness or grief, or can it be frustration and anger? Like how a child can be frustrated at not understanding a situation or how to progress, and at this point she reaches a point of pure request and not before. Are there other gates i should be reading about?
      I have found that prayer and asking for help happens differently with each cycle, yet through it all i am continuously pushed to search and experience what the Creator provides.

      • #359903

        The gate of tears is one of immense joy. All the other gates are closed, and when I reach the gate of tears, it’s a true prayer. Before, I was trying, but it wasn’t yet a true request, and so the Creator couldn’t answer.

        • #359928

          Thank you

    • #359782

      HI Gianni,

      I ve arrived at this grade, but cant find the way to the Young Group.   What is happening that I dint know about?  Do I have to wait for the next one to start ?

      • #359795

        Hi Sarah,

        Yes, enjoy the grad classes for now and you’ll be invited when the young groups in progress finish up.

    • #359681

      On the one hand i have a series of corporeal actions and thoughts at my disposal with which to ‘play’ in the group, and pretend as if we are already within the final correction, but on the other hand how can i know if these actions are true or correct, since i probably have no sensation of the upper force with which i aspire toward? For example i may have an idea of what a sensible and loving action is, that is informed by my life experience and reason, but i have no idea (unless i test it?) if it would lead me away or closer to Him. Also my idea of a thing is usually different to your idea of a thing… how do i reconcile this?

      • #359772

        When one stands before the Upper court, the only question they ask is, “Were you expecting salvation.” This is what matters, and not if my action is right or wrong.

        • #359881

          What is salvation?

        • #359901

          Being saved from one’s state, which I realized was hopeless. Like one who doesn’t want to pick up his luggage and asks someone to help him, will not get help; but one who already has the luggage on his back and is about to drop it – if he asks for help, most would be willing. The Creator helps when I’ve done what I can, and then request help.

    • #359673

      If bestowal is indeed intolerable/ opposite to the will to receive, the substance of my being and (current) perception, then how can i possibly rise above such discomfort to be like Him? How do i learn to tolerate such contradiction?

      • #359770

        We need to add something to what we have. It’s something opposite, yes. Instead of a bone, it’s a heart, for example. To become something more complex, less amoebic. It’s not that it’s unpleasant; it’s that I don’t long for it, like I don’t long for a sixth finger. But I can long for it through the influence of the society and the Reforming Light.

        • #359886

          so what i first see as contradiction (from the perspective of growing pains), i discover was deficiency/ a lack which the upper light comes to fill provided i meet certain conditions?  And what i once had no desire for I discover is an integral part of my body (like the friends) ? And so clinging to the society is vital no matter which state i find myself in?

        • #359902

          Those are the different kinds of work, that from different states I must reach the same: connection.

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