Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #315037

      Would it be permissible to love, console and educate my ego, because according to my personal experience it’s just a fearful child, longing to be embraced, comforted, secured and healed?

      • #317529

        So embrace and comfort be secure and healed.
        There is no problem.  A person must take care of his necessity.
        Spirituality is only built on top of necessity.

      • #315062

        As far as I can see at this our starting point, my ego will be healed as soon as we both climb up the ladder, hand in hand.

    • #315036

      In which world does the one soul/desire created must reconnect? I guess not in our world, as some parts of it, the Kabbalists, have climbed the ladder and come back to help the other parts of the soul to climb as well, so I am guessing the reconnection should happen in some of the other 5 worlds? If so, the only task that a person, whilst still in this world, has is to climb to the “meeting point” for reconnection, right?

      Thank you in advance!

      • #317528

        Something like that.

      • #315396

        In reply to Eberhard, my understanding of the ego is that it is always about “ME”, so I don’t know if that’s its job, and so can never be satisfied. ? .  I would agree, though, that its impossible from here to imagine life lived without it! Where would “I” be then ?  However, this too may change, exciting, eh?

        • #315446

          Thank you for your reply, Sarah. Just noticed. Problem is, I’m experiencing “myself” as a multiplicity of “MEs”.

    • #313472

      How to dominate egoism? How to put aside it,  if it is the inner instrument that we are been created with. It was given us by the Creator.

      • #314344

        It is impossible to dominate the ego.
        This is the creation that the Creator created and without it we will not be able to receive the abundance that He prepared for us.
        All of our work is to increase the love between us so that loving the friends is more important than receiving for ourselves.  This is called the correction of creation, where all that we necessarily must receive is received only for the benefit of the others.

    • #313315


      If the “Learn Hebrew Alphabet” video falls short of 2000 likes in 2 weeks and reaches say, 1500, will you still make it a series to continue at least the remaining alphabet?  As many the other videos and series, I found it useful and entertaining, but there’s something about the Hebrew language I can’t describe that I find fascinating.

      • #313339


        We did another video Sunday, so now there are 2 on the topic. We hope we’ll create a course around the topic too.


        • #315399

          I agree with Steve,  I came to KabU via a wonderful course in the Embodied Hebrew letters, and I believe the spiritual power they hold is an essential accompaniment to this work. The way they bring one down from Keter to Malkut, and then back up, had led me to some wonderful AHA moments.  They link into what I m learning here, and to see how the system is so beyond genius that I cannot doubt that they have come from G-d.    Even though that’s SUCH wild thing to contemplate !

    • #312685

      I’ve been in search for purpose and meaning since I was a child; many things of this search, my world, my family, my place in society, my future, made me feel as an outcast. I have tried a lot of disciplines and paths towards clarity and understanding, and now I see that all of them led me to try and quench my thirst for knowledge (i.e., the fourth desire) disguised as a spiritual quest. This new concept of spirituality as the search for the affinity of form and the ladder that goes from pure egoism to pure altruism is new and intriguing. Thank you for helping me approach it.

    • #312660
      Ludumo Diniso

      It is said “Everything in the universe that is layered around the Creator exists only relative to the creations, and all are products of the original created being, called “Malchut”

      I thought the created is Adam Harishon but  here it’s said to be Malchut.

      • #312811

        Maybe you are Ludumo the brother, the father, the son, the friend.
        You are you, but each time you are called according to how the other relates to you.
        There are many names for the vessel in which the light dwells.  All according to the degree.

        • #315409


          I may be wrong, but my understanding is that Adam Harishon is the oversoul, from which we are each a shattered piece, but that Malchut is the lowest, manifest world , in which we live. Adam Harishon was formed in the spirit world and fell through the barrier when shattered, and so arrived in Malkut.

          I d love to know if what I ve said is correct?

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