Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #311946

      It seems I have entered a difficult period in my life.  My husband of 46 years contracted dementia around 4 years ago and needed to be placed in Memory Care about 6 months ago.  Many of my family members (siblings) and my husbands siblings have deserted us.  By taking care of my husband I let my friendships dwindle and pass.  To make a long story short, do you think my involvement with learning Kabbalah now is Creators gift to me to learn to turn this isolation and grief I feel into an opportunity to live in peace by loving and accepting all people (and situations) and not seeing what others see in me but what I can see and give (love) to them regardless.  If I learn this it definitely would be a gift.

      • #311996

        I’m sorry to hear that you and your husband are going through such a difficult time.
        I’m sure you can reflect on your life and see how it is times like this that bring out very big changes in us.
        These things happen in our lives and they help us to come out of ourselves and ask the bigger questions, to discover who we are and what is happening here.
        You have found a treasure here and you will find comfort and answers.
        Simultaneously, it is important to maintain a normal life in this world, it is not good to be isolated from friends and family.  Maybe there is something you can do regarding that as well.

    • #311912

      Does it make sense to add additional two senses to typical five normal senses known from biology?
      By additional two senses I mean feelings and internal thought dialog. In Hermetism they are connected to astral and mental body. If I understand this correctly feelings and internal thought dialog is not the person at the core. It’s only a vehicle and similar to typical senses in this regard.

      • #311995

        All of reality is built of ten sefirot. That’s it.
        All of our senses are the same structure, the development of our thoughts are the same structure, our desires are the same structure.
        Zeir Anpin (contains: Hesed, Gevurah, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod)

        From this comes the structure of our senses, our organs, etc.
        Regarding thoughts and desires, that’s a different subject.
        We are at our essence a desire.  Our thoughts arise in order to fulfill our desires.

    • #311901

      What’s the actual goal of the creator causing all of this to occur and is it equivalent to a god level of egoism? My mind is boggled as I think about the topic of infinity, yet I have to understand that it’s probably not linear time in the perception of the creator. I have so many questions that I don’t even know where to start, but I’m loving this training.

      • #311994

        Let’s say as the kabbalists do that we are in a field of endless light right now, complete fulfillment.
        But let’s say for example that you brought a cat to see your favorite band.
        The cat sits there licking her paws and you are dancing, singing, reminicing, crying, jumping and the cat…nothing, no reaction.
        So, similarly the cat is in a room filled with energy and doesn’t feel a thing.
        We are in a field of endless fulfillment and don’t feel a thing.
        The cat doesn’t have vessels to feel what you feel.  She has ears, but the vessel is not the ear itself, the ear is the preparation for the vessel, the vessel is the desire to enjoy that is developed in you to feel so many more nuances in the air then the cat can feel.

        Now let’s go to our second point.  The kabbalists write to us that the Creator wants to create a creature and fill it with all of that endless light.  Since there is no time in spirituality, that “action” is done the moment that thought arises.  So opposite that bestowing force of fulfillment appeared a receiving force big enough to receive endless fulfillment.  That complete receiving desire is called Malchut of Ein Sof.  We are not yet talking about anything material, there is no big bang yet, not this world, nothing material yet.
        We will learn all of this in great detail in later classes.
        But when you wrote about some god level egoism, you’re barking up the right tree we can say 🙂

        • #312141

          Many thanks for your answer Seth. I appreciate you and the other teachers very much

        • #312227

          Thank you Scott.
          Looking forward to good things from you.

    • #311896
      Sharon Aloni

      Hello and thank you.

      I think that I understand the concept so far.  However, I am in a position in my life of imbalance.  I am not receiving what I need to continue bestowing.  What is needed for that correction?


      • #311900

        First, you need to clean up the previous concepts that your brought with you to the wisdom of kabbalah.
        We are not bestowing yet.  To spirituality bestow is a very high degree that means that a person acquired a spiritual screen and is working in two worlds, this world and the spiritual world.
        You are referring to how people behave in this world.
        According to this world, you need to take care of yourself like every creature must.
        In the meantime, separate the spiritual definitions from earning a living and taking care of your necessities.
        On top of your necessities you can build your spiritual life.
        Like a house that has a foundation in the dirt and upstairs is a beautiful table set with all the delights, but nevertheless, it sits on a foundation of rock.
        We also need to stabilize, food, family, money, etc and when we have at least what we need to be healthy and stable we can acquire the Torah.

    • #311839

      This isn’t a question, just more of an observation. The more I’ve learned about Kabbalah over the past week, the more I find myself questioning what pleasures I get from doing every little action, like taking a drink. I also found it curious that God has to … pardon the poor paraphrasing … corrupt Himself to help us get closer to Him.

      • #311957
        Sharon Aloni

        Thank you, Seth.  True, I come to this study program with the teachings of The Maharishi behind me.  However I am very excited to finally be on the path of Kabbalah.

      • #311899

        Nice observation.
        You’ll see when we start studying the structure of reality how accurate your depiction is.

    • #311768

      …does the desire to bestow lead to the will to bestow? They are not one in the same, are they? Personal example. I don’t like public speaking or being the center of attention. Yet, I’m involved in my local politics and agreed to become the next president of a organization I belong to. If it’s for the good of the people in my community and I’m asked to do it, I do it. The phrase that runs in my mind and that i tell others is, “it’s not about me.” I am certain i have a desire to bestow and i push past what would keep me from doing that. So, is that my desire to bestow creates in me the will to bestow?

      • #311792

        We can use the expressions, will to bestow and desire to bestow interchangeably.
        You gave an example from corporeal life where something is so important to you that you were able to do something that you otherwise wouldn’t.
        This is a natural conduct of the world.
        I don’t want to wake up early to go to the gym, but I want to be healthy and being healthy is more important to me than sleeping in.
        This same conduct happens in towards our spiritual work however, within our will to receive it’s impossible to truly have a desire to bestow.  We can behave like we do and this is correct, this is like what children do when they learn to be like adults, they play.  And when the time is right, nature makes the child into an adult, releases new hormones, grows the physical stature, develops the mind, the small teeth fall out and larger teeth come in.
        So in spirituality, we play bestowal and the light comes and it gives us the will to bestow, actually it’s the intention to bestow.  The will to receive will remain, as the purpose of creation is to fill the creature with endless delight, so we must receive, but with the intention to bestow.

        • #312099

          Seth, I don’t fully comprehend but I guess that is expected because if I did I wouldn’t be here. Thanks for your help.

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