Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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  • #37697

    Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #426772

      in the past 5 month I have been taking care of my parents outside of the country who are both sick. I was away from my own families and work. I tried so hard to practice bestowing towards my parents, I only found myself hurt mentally and physically. I know this is the time to pray for the light to lift me to another capacity level. my questions are: 1. how do I know the light is working on me? 2. will this practice of bestowing put me at a position of being taken advantage by others (even my own parents). I guess the 2nd question shows my “will to receive” nature but before I have the equivalence of form, how do I balance things?  thank you very much!

      • #427039

        A kabbalist lives in two worlds.
        It will be very helpful for you to find this line between the two worlds, below the line, you operate in this world like a normal person operates, food, water, family, work, culture, all the normal things that we need to do in this world.
        And above the line is our inner world, our spiritual connection, our intention.
        It sounds like you don’t have this line and you are mixing up these things.
        We are living in a world of egoists, we don’t need to judge, we need to understand it and work with it correctly.
        We already know what it is and that this is how each one operates.  Just because you go and pour your heart out to another does not mean they will reciprocate, to the contrary, they may enjoy taking from you.
        If you are working to bestow, this is in the heart.  Become a craftsman of the soul and learn how to work between these levels.
        Good luck,

        • #428122

          wow, this first sounds like nonsense, now it starts to make sense. initially I thought the reason to have a spiritual life is to help us live in this world like the Creator. that was a naive thought isn’t it?  I guess what you are saying is that though learning Kabbalah, we work on our desires, which often are very hidden, require self-analysis, while we are correcting our inner desires, not necessarily we apply that to this world because it would “kill” us.  But, wouldn’t this also mean that we are a fake good person? We know what good to do but we choose to not do it in real life? I thought practicing Mitzvot is very important?  thank you Instructor!

        • #428428

          If everyone is a fake person anyway, so why not fake that you want to be loving like the Creator.  Fake it until it becomes real.  This is how it works in nature.  Do you give a child a real baby to play with?  A real car to drive?  A real building to build?  Even with animals, dogs, cats, we see them play when they are young, this is how they learn.

          We are and will be until the end of correction, a desire to receive.
          That is by design.  The Creator wants to fill us so we need to want to be filled.
          Our correction is in receiving not for our own sake, for the sake of the ego, but that we receive in order to bestow back to Him/upon all of creation.

    • #426662

      I had to leave the church I was going to…a Catholic Church which was my childhood religion. It was a new church and someone was consistently attacking me. I was very vulnerable because my daughter had just died. I tried to make peace with this person and I could no longer take it. I began to be afraid of going to church so my husband and I finally left. I feel much better. I. saw many things in myself but at the end I felt I was allowing myself to be abused for the sake of belonging. No one stepped up to try and stop it. No one wanted to be involved. It was painful for me to leave as we are living in a new town however I also feel better. I also am confused about my feelings. The whole ritual seemed childish unfulfilling to me with little glimpses of light. Perhaps I was hoping I could me someone there that I could discuss all these feelings I had but there wasn’t anyone. I don’t see how you can stay in a religion or church that seems immature and childish to you while at the same time you wish you had such simple faith but you are no longer there. How do handle this confusion? Is it egosm on my part? I just don’t fit in there, either does my husband? Are we being judgemental? Don’t our feelings of rejection count?

      • #428119

        I didn’t’t mean to reply over this post, it was a mistake but I do not know how to delete it, so I just removed the original text. sorry

      • #427038

        My condolences to you and your husband on your loss, that is a very deep experience.
        I understand that you are looking for answers to deeper questions than those in your church.
        Everyone will eventually come to these deeper questions, but each one in their time according to their soul.  You and your husband have awakened to it now.
        My advise is to take it slowly and open your notebooks or a piece of paper and write out for yourselves what it is that you are looking for in life, what questions it is that your soul is searching for.  Pour out your heart to the Creator on the page.
        Read the materials in our courses from the kabbalists over and over and you will feel how they are working on you to clarify these things and how the Light operates on us and guides us.
        Wishing you comfort and a speedy advancement.

    • #426510

      Can you please talk about the actual intention to study Kabbalah. How do I make sure that I am not doing this for my ego? How do I make sure that the desire to gain spiritual light or being closer to the creator is not an egoistic desire?

      • #427037

        If we are searching honestly and deeply, we will discover that it is impossible to do something without seeking self benefit, that is because this is what we were created as, we were created as a will to receive delight and pleasure and all we do is for ourselves to receive and if we do for another, it is so that we will benefit.
        If we reach this true recognition and realize that in order to exit this we need the help from above, this is called the Exodus from Egypt, it happens at night, meaning in a state of dark we are brought out of it and through several processes we are given a second nature from above, just as we were given our first nature, to recieve, from above, we are given our second nature.
        So you are on the right track, first is the discovery of the will to receive.
        There is no light without a vessel, so we must come to the need for this second nature, the kli for the second nature and then the light fills that empty place.

    • #426508

      About a month before I enrolled with Kabu, I had been very concerned about the way Nature was being manipulated to change our environment. I found on the internet (youtube) Kabbalahinfo, and was able to gather information on this subject and was fascinated with the Tree of Life and the principals of Kabbalah.

      I gather it might have been “the point of the Heart” that set me in the position of enrollment to Kabu.

      Many thanks for this enlightment.

    • #426447

      What reveals itself here, to me, is that there is one final destination, equivalence of,  or  affinity with, or knowing the thought of, the Creator. I am understanding that the free will that is available is simply deciding to seek out and be drawn to the Creator, or to be nudged, or pushed – towards that which the seed, or soul, is pre-programmed to accomplish – final equivalence of form with the Creator. This new view of free will, affords faster, conscious affinity – or, alternately – slower, possibly more unconscious for a time, and painful attainment of affinity or oneness. Either path leading  the ultimate goal. I am feeling very drawn to proactively seek to know the thought of Creation, and move from reception to bestowal purposefully. I choose the fast track if these assumptions are even close to correct. That is why I am here.

    • #422508

      Got it. Thank you

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