Ask anything about week 5 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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  • #28813

    Ask anything about week 5 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #53560

      From the recommemded reading, I quote:  “There is a discernment of “mind” and a discernment of “heart” in the
      above-mentioned equivalence of form. The engagement in Torah and Mitzvot
      in order to bestow contentment upon one’s Maker is equivalence of form in the
      mind. “”.

      My question: What would be an example of equivalence of form of “heart”” ?


      Ad also: could you explain Mitzvot Lishma (for Her Name)?  Who or what is She?

      • #53756

        Hi Paul,

        “Heart” means desire. So equivalence of form in the desire, means having a true desire to bestow.

        Regarding Lishma (for Her Name), her refers to the Torah (which is a female word in Hebrew).  And the Torah refers to the entire system in which we exist.

        In other words, Lo Lishma (not for her name) and Lishma (for her name) is talking about our intention, the reason for why we’re studying Kabbalah. Lo Lishma means that we aspire to spirituality egoistically, for our own sake. While Lishma is when the light corrects this egoistic aspiration to operate purely in the direction of bestowal, for the sake of the entire system.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #53519

      I have a kind of silly question, can someone who understand hebrew write down for me the correct hebrew word for “attainment”?

      In the related video “Kabbalah Lesson – The Power of Books” at 12:07 he says that “attainment” comes from the hebrew word “lassik”, meaning “to reach out, to grab”, but I searched around and found no matching correspondences.

      • #53676

        Hi Helcio,

        Attainment = hasaga = השגה

        which is the noun form of this verb:

        to attain, achieve, acquire, get, etc = lehasig = להשיג

        Albert @ KabU

    • #53511

      Dear KabU,

      I never got the idea of becoming one with nature again.  I thought in the end we need to get back to nature and live close to nature, use fire, build or own veggiegarden etc. in that way we will be more like nature, understand nature, create a relation with nature and too with the creator
      But what I understood of this lesson is that we use ideas of nature for technology and if we find the right sources we can make this world equivalence of nature just by using our technology. So we can keep living in the cities and evolve and feel connected to nature on the same time.
      Is that right?

      • #53675

        Hi Danielle,

        When we talk about nature, we’re not talking about simply going outdoors, rather we’re talking about the all encompassing system in which we exist.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Regarding reaching equivalence of form with the Creator, this is an internal change which takes place in our qualities. Or in other words, in our attitude to others.  So we don’t need to leave our cities or give up on our modern lifestyles to reach this correction.

        For more details on equivalence of form, check out the first few paragraphs of the article “A Speech for the Completion of The Zohar“.

        Regarding how we reach this correction, this is done primarily through the force of the light we extract from the Kabbalistic studies.  See my reply to Micha in the week 3 questions forum for more details.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #53433

      Our Week 5 reading in Kabbalah Revealed is pages 100-118. However, last week we read pages 93-118. I deeply respect the power of review, but just wanted to check that 100-118 is indeed correct.  Thank you.

      • #53504

        Hi Miryam,

        Thanks for bringing this up, I’ll check with the team and have it corrected. Regarding the book Kabbalah Revealed, I would recommend to just read it from beginning to end. This will give you a solid foundation.

        Albert @ KabU

        • #53531

          Thank you, Albert. I will be sure to follow your suggestion.

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