Do you sense that the world is becoming increasingly interconnected? It is something you feel in everyday life?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Crossroads Film Course #1: HUMANITY AT A CROSSROADS Do you sense that the world is becoming increasingly interconnected? It is something you feel in everyday life?

  • #28642


    Do you sense that the world is becoming increasingly interconnected? It is something you feel in everyday life?

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  • Autor(a)
    • #367057
      Lu Lu

      I think the world is interconnected but unaware at this time. I’m sensing that they are finally waking up and realizing there is more that what is shown in the media and realizing we are all connected and need to treat each other loving.

    • #304218
      Purity K

      Yes, I sense that the world is becoming increasingly interconnected. Yes. It is something that I feel in everyday life e.g if a song is released, the whole world gets it via social media at the same time unlike  decades ago where those living in other countries had to wait for months to get the released song.

    • #291329
      Adelina Santos

      Of coarse. A good example is the pandemia.




    • #288939

      op dit moment voel ik het verwarrend  aan de ene  kant  is er het virus met onnoemelijk veel doden, bestrijden, bevechten landen elkaar  in een vreselijke oorlog met veel slachtoffers… is er  machtswellust  ….  langs de andere kant  proberen landen  samen te werken en oplossingen te vinden tegen het virus,  zijn landen solidair en willen helpen   Maar alles wat gebeurt  heeft invloed  op  alles en iedereen  zowel materieel, emotioneel  en ook  spiritueel ;

    • #288929

      The world is more connected today than ever before, a good example would be the minds and hearts of people connecting through social media. I feel in my daily life a spiritual awakening in many people, which is reflected from the existential questions and an urgent need for satisfactory answers.

    • #288253
      David J

      In the material world, yes certainly. The choices are will we continue using these connections for only egotistical intentions or can we correct the desire for the good of all

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