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    • #63003

      Hi Gianni,

      After watching the video of “10. Nekudot de SAG” several times, I still do not know what are those deep dark desires or innermost desires of Malchut had in phase four. What are they? Just guessing — is it related to “using the property of Bina in order to receive” or “double Will to Receive”?

      Thank you!

      • #63007

        We can’t imagine the desires that are concealed from us any more than a small child can imagine the desire for caviar, cognac, delivering well one’s PhD dissertation, etc. But you’re right that the desires to use bestowal in order to receive are incomparably greater, a billion times greater, than the animal pleasures of food, sex, family, money, power, honor and knowledge that we’ve experienced in our lives in this world.

    • #62213

      Dear teacher would you please review the *check for understanding questions* I am very confused by the 2nd question. AB connected to the quality of Hochma or Bina???  Thank you

      • #63004

        The Sefirot in AK go in the same order as the 4 Phases of Direct Light. So, Galgalta, AB, SAG, MA BON correspond to Keter, Hochma, Bina, Zeir Anpin, Malchut.

    • #59958

      When I study things that are more technical, I find that the most important thing, especially at first, is studying the definitions and constantly going over the words when I don’t understand them or when I forget what they mean. That way, eventually they get stuck in my mind. I have printed the definition section, but I notice that a lot of the technical words are not in the definitions and some of the acronyms are not there either. Is there a way I can get the definitions to some of these technical terms that are in the readings?

      • #61199

        Hi Brad,

        Let us know any you notice that are not in the definitions section. They should have been provided throughout the course, but we’re happy to define any you need.

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