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    • #430272

      Is the Reshimo a memory bank for a person’s soul or for each individual desire / Kli?

      Based on your explanation, it seems like a memory bank is being constructed with the future corrected state of a desire. And after each correction, we would be going up the memory bank trying to fulfil increasing amount of the desire. Is that right?

      • #430278

        I’m in a Reshimo right now. It contains everything. If it contains a spiritual element, called the Point in the Heart, it could lead to more spiritual Reshimot than the one I’m in now. This way I come to more and more spiritual Reshimot. Finally, after a very long path, what we call our world disappears entirely as it no longer serves any purpose. These Reshimot exist; we only reveal them.

        • #430291

          Wow, I am confused. “I’m in a Reshimo right now, It contains everything.”, am I in one as well? Where can I read more?

        • #430294

          About Reshimot there’s nothing more written or to know, not about the one you’re in. Only about spiritual degrees Kabbalists write. All you need to know is that sometimes there’s a spiritual Reshimo, that’s when one is inclined to spirituality, and to realize it maximally. That’s what’s in one’s hands to do.

        • #430296

          Thank you!

    • #387917

      I am wondering about the preparation question… how we would try to show the upper light that we would like to connect… and since I just at the beginning of this journey… I am wondering  a lot about this process… which as I understood as an inner process, and not a deed or words. Is that something that just forms in us, like a felt prayer (not necessarily a spoken one), with the hope to thus find the right direction?

      • #387918

        It’s more in the grad program that we learn the details of this work. It’s expressed in whatever I have – I have words, thoughts, actions… because I don’t yet have spiritual assets to work with.

    • #386415

      because of the screen, whatever pleasure we feel is immediately extinguished in the material world. is it possible for us to feel spiritual pleasure even for a bit while we are in this world? may you give an example ?

      • #386420

        Hi Ben,

        No, it’s impossible. There would be a Shattering, as we will learn. Instead, we have to rise up to the spiritual world. This world remains below. But we have to do this while still living in this world.

    • #363562
      Steve Miley

      Oh, this last lesson was a real doozy right? Smack into stuff that I don’t understand and I’m gonna have to sit down and try to figure this all out and what would help a lot is if I could print out some of those diagrams that you were using do you know if that’s possible or not because if I could print those diagrams out and then get the Definition of all the new terms, and I could watch all the videos over or like the last couple of videos, at least, and then follow along on the Diagrams that would keep me from having to draw them again, because I think your drawing is better than my chicken, scratch drawing, and I think that would be the way to get this new information into my thick Skull. thank you so much. These last few lessons are really something special. We’re taking it to a whole different level here really appreciate hard hard work.

      • #363947

        Hi Steve, I don’t have that, but your drawing – because it’s yours – is actually better than mine.

    • #363163
      Zachary Jones

      Are the concepts “above” and “below” Tabur refering to direction in the way we understand it in this world?


      If galgalta, AB, SAG, MA, and BON are representations of Keter, Hochma, Bina, Zeir Anpin, and Malchutm how does this all map to the 4 phases of direct light?

      This is not intuitive. I will need to review these lessons a lot!



      • #363272

        Hi Zachary,

        No, generally there are no spatial directions as spacetime is an illusion as we discuss in the Emergent Universe course.  Here, Upper means more important, meaning in Bestowal compared to something that is Lower and thus less in bestowal.

        The Four Phases of Direct Light also include a 5th thing called the root, which is Keter. Hochma, Bina, ZA, Malchut are the result of the Keter.

    • #327821
      Erin B

      For those of us who are helped by stories….


      Am I correct to think there is an explanation here that matches the experiences of Joseph?

      He had a position as favourite amongst his brothers, and a clothing (coat of colours) and lost it, then went “down” sold, but we elevated to Potiphar’s top overseer, but then he lost his coat again. Prison was another down in the ups and downs.
      He would have worn Egyptian clothes in the next phase and the final reveal was more subtle as he didn’t change clothes per ce but instead became known to his brothers.


      Is there a parallel here to the process? Like buying a steak, being favourite of brothers. Half a steak = head of Potiphar but still a slave. Just fish = being head over prisoners. Just salad is now being head of egypt but desires are refined enough to manage such responsibility. And just a piece of bread is now being able to be trusted with his brothers again?????

      Am I remotely on the right page? And if so… do you have content connecting this story? Or maybe another story?

      A link would be great!!!!

      • #328501

        Erin, I’m sorry this took so long. You’re thinking is partly correct but your conclusions aren’t, and it’s not your fault. We can’t understand by deduction. Everything has a precise root in the 4 phases that f Direct Light, and you’re right that besides expressing them in the language of Kabbalah, we could express them in 3 other languages, one of which is the language of the Bible. It’s the same 4 phases of direct Light, like how I don’t change by my wife calling me Gianni, my daughter calling me dad, my students calling me teacher. All point at the same phenomenon: this cluster of forces called Gianni. However to find out exactly how these languages correlate you must attain their roots in the world of Atzilut.

        • #328657
          Erin B

          Thanks for the reply.
          Ok so forget a story written in bible language then… how do we get guidance on our lives we are living?

          If the language of the bible isn’t the highest but something I’ve attained is more relevant, I have scenarios I could use help deciphering.   I just thought the bible was a good example to help outline but if not, I can ask based off my own examples like yours of being called husband and dad.

          would that help?

        • #367264

          Kabbalah doesn’t give life advice because there you already know the laws. We all know them. That doesn’t mean we follow the laws. We don’t like nature’s laws because they go against what we desire. But the laws are relatively clear. So the problem is with our desire, that we can’t fulfill it. For this, we need Kabbalah, to develop Restriction, Screen and Reflected Light.

        • #367163
          Erin B

          So… I’m finished the course. How do I grow to understand this?

          Also, can you send the link again for the 2 books that explain the connections of language used in the Torah and its Kabbalistic meaning?

        • #367266

          Everything is understood only through the Upper Light that gradually works on a person according to their efforts in the method of Kabbalah. As Baal HaSulam writes here:

          “Every person… is guaranteed to finally attain all the wonderful attainments that the Creator had contemplated in the Thought of Creation to delight every creature. And one who has not been awarded in this life will be granted in the next life, etc., until one is awarded completing His Thought, which He had planned for him.

          And while one has not attained perfection, the Lights that are destined to reach him are considered Surrounding Lights. That means that they stand ready for him, but are waiting for him to purify his vessels of reception, at which time these Lights will clothe the able vessels.

          Hence, even when he does not have the vessels, when he engages in this wisdom, mentioning the names of the Lights and the vessels related to his soul, they immediately shine upon him to a certain extent. However, they shine for him without clothing the interior of his soul, for lack of able vessels to receive them. Yet, the illumination one receives time after time during the engagement draws upon him grace from Above, imparting him with abundance of sanctity and purity, which bring him much closer to achieving perfection.”

        • #328674

          It won’t help. You need to write a sentence with a question mark at the end. The explanations and stories are for you to arrive at that one sentence with the question mark. Arriving at that clear question is even more important than the answer. Because before that, there isn’t a clarified deficiency. That scrutiny is one’s homework, which the instructor can’t help with.

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