How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

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    • #53352

      Knowing with the heart that God is perfect. It is gods essence.pure love. Prayer is feeling with the heart asking with the heart to God to guide us in reaching the awareness he intended for us to  become whatever he intended for us in order to serve others. Because if we serve others with love and compassion we serve him. We have to grow in order to Create more love and compassion. Understanding that we have to be molded in a vessel. And true him we will have to do the sculpting with his perfect instructions to become a vessel…that is ready and worthy of recieving God’s heavenly glory. That we become carriers of his light in this world. Not by paying lip service and endless logoree of words…but by being and becoming a vessel to carry his light into this world. In order to bring more people to his glory

    • #53309
      Holistic Spiral

      Understand that whatever the Creator allows to happen in your life is ultimately for your good, therefore pray to adjust ones attitude and perception of each situation.

    • #53152

      Through a desire that is aligned with the authentic / discovering individual self in accordance with ones life purpose, and through navigation of causation’s and effect that help light the way intended

    • #52984
      Patty kitchens

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Prayer is not things that you asked for. It’s a desire to help what is wrong or it needs to be corrected in such a way.</p>

    • #52685

      by praying for other/friends my prayer will be heard.

    • #52564

      Internalising the need and want of prayer.

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