How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

Inicio Foros Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

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  • Autor(a)
    • #51730
      Candace Joy

      What is there to want when the Creator provides everything you think you need.  Become desire less and you will be free.





    • #51491
      Bio Dhya


    • #51193

      Thinking about it made me realize that a prayer is a form of giving as well as receiving. It should be directed towards the well-being of others. By doing so, likewise, someone else will direct their prayer towards us with equal strength and love. So, at one point, everyone will pray for each other. The outcome could only be the good of all, and ultimately the good of the creator it self. Isn’t that the real purpose of prayer? The good of all!

    • #51135

      Ik moet npet enkel bidden met woorden God kijkt naar het hart de intentie ; mijn gebed moet vooral gaan naar de anderen ; ik moet bidden voor hun verlangen, niet bidden voor mezelf

    • #50822

      By being thankful and asking the creator to guide and assist one to a greater understanding of life and the purpose for the event that one is praying for

    • #50643

      Having faith and trust in my prayers and in almighty

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