In what situations does concealment make something more attractive than it would be otherwise?

Inicio Foros Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 7. The World of Adam Kadmon – Part 1 In what situations does concealment make something more attractive than it would be otherwise?

  • #55409

    In what situations does concealment make something more attractive than it would be otherwise?

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  • Autor(a)
    • #397031
      Seamus Dolan

      By the experience of receiving the Light and then it’s subsequent departure and concealment an intense desire is formed.

    • #394832

      The concealment itself increases the tension, the yearning for the revelation of what has been concealed.

    • #387818

      The concealment itself increases the tension, the yearning for the revelation of what has been concealed. So when we expect itś something good, like a gift, bestowed on us, the concealment will increase our yearning and also the delight we derive from the gift when unwrapping it.

    • #385838

      It usually happens when concealment wants to create a large desire for something that we don’t have or cannot see.

    • #385420
      Edward Onyango

      Concealment creates a focused and great desire for that which is hidden

    • #384569
      Assana Colubali

      It usually happens mostly when we want to discover about something unknown to us, or, something new to us.

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