
  • #325625

    Gil Shir

    Share your insights and impressions from this lesson with fellow students.

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    • #359424

      Hi hi

      In the course Learn to Read Hebew from Scratch: Modern and… The section read from The Bible minute 5:46 I have this two inquiries:

      Does the first underline word it should be vav with ah sound? I and the second underlined  kaf should also be pronounced with ah sound?

      Thks very much. Keep the great work.

    • #333093

      Why is the Da’at mentioned in some Sefirot’s and not in others?


    • #333090

      ha posel bemumo posel sounds like the idiom, “The pot calling the kettle black.”

    • #332173

      After learning the standard Israel Biblical pronunciations, I find it hard at times with some words. Ashkenazi is very different from traditional Hebrew spoken in Israel. For instance, it is Yod instead of Yud. There is a difference when you use a Kamatz Katan verses a Kamatz Gadol. Typical Ashkenazi is that they just use the Kamatz Katan all the time. Also, there is a difference between the silent Sh’va and the moving Sh’va. So many times, I am hearing Gil just pronounce the letter. Like if it is a Shin with a Sh’va at the beginning of the word I was taught to pronounce it Sheh very quickly. But I am hearing it just as SH. So, a few differences. However, I do find it good to quickly practice the words. I think this would have been very hard for me still if I hadn’t been studying it.

    • #329051
      rosemarie tropf



      How important is it to know the roots of the words?  Should  I learn them as thoroughly as I learned the alphabet?  Thank you.

      • #329108

        This will help you a lot.  If you have the time and desire, learning the roots of the words will help you identify and see a myriad of connections.
        For example חבר Haver means friend.  חיבור Hibur means connection.
        Another example שלם Shalem means whole.  שלום means peace.  Even לשלם means to pay (to make whole).

    • #328911
      rosemarie tropf

      I asked a question last week about lesson 12 and nobody has answered me yet FYI.  The practice sheet for Yud was the wrong practice sheet.  It says lesson 1 on  it and it is practicing Bet etc.  There is no Yud practice on it.  There is also no cheat sheet for pronunciation and I would like that as I  am having trouble with Y with dagesh.  Thank you.

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