Preparation Question: Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

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  • #41583

    Preparation Question: Imagine if people were connected according to the spiritual law of love. How would these many issues be approached differently?

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    • #427936

      Everything and Everyone is beautiful as fear and worry no longer defaces and giving and sharing fills each moment.

      At that time even the word issues carries no meaning as they become opportunities to bestowal

    • #427787

      We wouldn’t need laws or legal systems. Every supply chain would self organize and self adjust perfectly as the individuals in it each incorporated their knowledge and communications conscientiously. Leadership structures would be truly service based. Foreign policies and diplomacy would be focused on making the needy nations whole and supporting them in the preservation of their lands and customs. Settlements would reorganize themselves to be like nodes where the size of each node is whatever provides the ideal amount of access to resources and other people, and they’d be loosely connected in a global network to get the more complex technological needs met. This structure would extend to hierarchies also, where the only appointments to authority positions would be for people gifted at coordination and articulation to help serve the system and the individuals they represented. People who feel a calling to be parents would have as many children as they wanted, with ample support from society. And people who don’t feel called to be parents would naturally find their unique niches the in the fabric of support for the next generation. Credit, housing and healthcare would be universally available, provided and resourced without any consideration of profit. Products would be crafted, not to be discount or profitable, but to provide the greatest delight and be cherished the most by the recipients of them. Nobody would ever abuse a single animal or plant or object in any way that could possibly be seen by another person because the purpose of everything would be to demonstrate the appreciate of that thing the Creator gave us, and to express the desire to make them beautiful and comfortable for everyone to behold, down to the youngest child. Every word spoken, every chore done, every item made or repaired, would be an expression of love and care.

    • #427772

      It is like Eden on Earth. All Earth resources are enough for all of us. So, all material desires of humanity would fulfilled and the humanity will act more in the spiritual world.

    • #427693
      Akosua Marie

      Conecting according to the spiritual law of love would mean that we would finally all function as one and that we would all walk toward becoming one with the One universal law of love, the Creator. It would mean that the Creator would be satisfied with his experience of bestowal and that we would all be ready to enjoy all of creation as part of us all, including us in our human forms.

    • #427637

      If we connected according to the law of love, we would give up our differences and then there would be no disagreements and will result in peace ,a global peace 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

      • This reply was modified hace 3 semanas, 2 días by Michael.
      • This reply was modified hace 3 semanas, 2 días by Michael.
    • #427616

      Insead of the ego of each person in a group with some authority to make decisions getting in the way of solving problems, each member of the group would be seen and heard from as equals. No egoistic arguments would arise, problems would be solved from the basis of love and connection to the creator. I see a whole new world if we were all connected under the spiritual law of love.


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